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Less page reloading for forum posts and moderation #3354

Open koqel opened 1 year ago

koqel commented 1 year ago

Describe the feature

Make it so that the page doesn't reload when you create a topic or reply to a topic. Also make it so that you can move, lock, and label a topic all in the same menu so it only reloads the page once when you click submit or apply at the end.

supercrafter100 commented 1 year ago

This is essentially just the nature of PHP. It can be worked around with by using javascript but I don't think that's really practical here, as the comment has to actually be rendered (and writing JS in smarty files is very scuffed)

  1. Creating topics This is done on an entirely seperate page, we would have to convert the topic creation to a modal then I guess? Just doesn't seem practical at all

  2. Reply to a topic While possible, I don't see the benefit of this other than response time improvements. You still have to wait for the form to be submitted anyways so other than it not reloading the delay time would almost be the same.

koqel commented 1 year ago

Alright that makes sense. About labeling, locking, and moving posts, if you do staff applications through the forums for example, being able to lock, label, and move the post through 1 menu while only reloading the page 1 time at the end after clicking apply does save lots of time though, and it's just easier so you don't have to click through multiple different things just to do all of that.