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NamelessMC is a free, easy to use & powerful website software for your Minecraft server, which includes a large range of features.
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PHP Exif #3477

Closed HelloWorldCoder-China closed 6 months ago

HelloWorldCoder-China commented 7 months ago

NamelessMC said that it need PHP Exif.So,where can I get PHP Exif and how can I install it into a server that haven't got a termitle , and got only :1-A file editer 2-A SQL page?

note:I am from China so there might be some spelling error in this issue file.

Please respond as soon as you can , thank you.

PadowYT2 commented 6 months ago

If you are on a webhost, contact them. If you have a machine - apt install php-exif

HelloWorldCoder-China commented 6 months ago

If you are on a webhost, contact them. If you have a machine - apt install php-exif

Thank you.

JohnRichard4096 commented 2 months ago

Although I'm already installed php-exif,it just said " You must have all of the required extensions installed, and have correct permissions set, in order to proceed with installation." QQ截图20240419215227

Derkades commented 2 months ago

If you have installed the exif extension and restarted php-fpm, or your webserver if you are not using php-fpm, the most likely cause is installing the extension for a different PHP version than the one being used for NamelessMC. Please ensure that you do not have duplicate PHP installations, for example by listing PHP packages using the command apt list --installed 'php*'. In the future, please post a new question as any new messages in this thread will notify everyone else who participated :)