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Allow custom endpoint params #3493

Closed partydragen closed 1 month ago

partydragen commented 4 months ago

Add ability to add custom params to execute function

Example my OAuth2 module have a AccessTokenAuthEndpoint that allow Access Token to access its api However the Endpoints itself don't know who user authed as im not able to transfer that data to endpoint, This will allow that

As now my AccessTokenAuthEndpoint auth method can add User into CustomParams so now the endpoint can restrict api usage for that user ONLY

Usage by my OAuth2 Module:

partydragen commented 4 months ago

I'm confused what functionality this provides, in your example commit the customParams is never read from/called. Can you perhaps explain a different way?

Its being added to execute function

public function execute(Nameless2API $api, AccessToken $token): void { So it being execute(API, CUSTOM AUTH PARAMS, Transfomers)

Also this this OAuth endpoint that adding AccessToken

So the endpoint know who user authoriced to limit the api data from that user only

Pretty much that Auth methods being able to register params to endpoints instead of just Transformers

And the actuall call happning here thats add it to execute