NamelessMC / Nameless

NamelessMC is a free, easy to use & powerful website software for your Minecraft server, which includes a large range of features.
MIT License
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Profiles are not working + Icon is not working (favicon) #992

Closed ItzArty closed 6 years ago

ItzArty commented 6 years ago

Hello, Im using Namelessmc websoftware, but I cannot access to my or friend's profile, but before it worked, but I wanted to change profile.jpg from assests but after I changed it, the profile pages are giving me this mysql error message: Error: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1698] Access denied for user ''@'localhost' Please check your database connection settings. - But other pages are working! - / - Help me!!!!

ItzArty commented 6 years ago

Oh, and of course, I uploaded 16x16 icon (favicon.ico) to assests folder. And... It isn't working...

ItzArty commented 6 years ago

And, how I can remove the footer ad? ---- Oops, I right now deleted it :D

ItzArty commented 6 years ago

And, how I can add to news posts given reputation? (to middle of views and comments)

samerton commented 6 years ago

The profile issue is because you have enabled the Infractions addon in the AdminCP -> Addons tab, but you have not configured it.

Your favicon is working for me, you can try clearing your browser cache with Ctrl+F5 or you can use another browser for now; it's an issue on your end.

It looks like you have resolved the footer issue, we do ask that you leave some sort of link or credit to NamelessMC as it's free software, but the license does mean you don't have to do this.

There is currently no support for giving or viewing reputation on news posts on the front page, hopefully in the future I can add support.

ItzArty commented 6 years ago

Thank you.

ItzArty commented 6 years ago

And also, where i must past smartsupp html code?

ItzArty commented 6 years ago

And can I edit these messages like that? SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'arty_mysql.nl1_donation_settings' doesn't exist

samerton commented 6 years ago

You can try adding the Smartsupp tag.

ItzArty commented 6 years ago

Oh nonono, I setup it already, but thank you for help!

samerton commented 6 years ago

No problem :)

ItzArty commented 6 years ago

And how i can add font to website from my computer?

ItzArty commented 6 years ago

And if it is possible, how i can use in texts?

samerton commented 6 years ago

You can do this using CSS. Upload the font files onto your website (for example, create a new folder named "fonts" and upload them into there), and then add the CSS in this post to the bottom of styles/themes/theme/css/custom.css, and also add (using oswald as the example from the link, change this to the name of your font):

body {
    font-family: oswald;

You may need to press Ctrl+F5 to view the changes. As this is a customisation to your website, I can't help you any more than this.

ItzArty commented 6 years ago

Thank you (for now) :D

ItzArty commented 6 years ago

Emh... Where I must make the folder?

samerton commented 6 years ago

It's up to you, your CSS must match the path.

For example, if you upload your font files (named, in this example, font.eot, font.woff, font.ttf and font.svg) to a folder named "fonts" in the Nameless core/assets folder, the path in your CSS would be url('/core/assets/fonts/font.eot');

ItzArty commented 6 years ago

oh, now i know, and how is name section with site name in navbar? -- But I want change font only of server name, no of pages.

samerton commented 6 years ago

The site name in the navbar is in styles/templates/template/navbar.tpl, it is the {$SITE_NAME} variable. To change the font of this, you change body { in the CSS in my previous code to .navbar-brand {

ItzArty commented 6 years ago

Can you do it for me?


{if isset($ANNOUNCEMENTS) && !empty($ANNOUNCEMENTS)}

{foreach from=$ANNOUNCEMENTS item=item}

{if $item.can_close == 1}{/if} {$item.content}


My font is in: /var/www/html/styles/templates/StoneBros/fonts/Adventure.otf

Please :)

ItzArty commented 6 years ago

Emmm... Why it...

samerton commented 6 years ago

Like I say, as it's a customisation I can't really help, but your CSS to change the website name would be

@font-face {
    font-family: 'adventure';
    src: url('/styles/templates/StonerBros/fonts/Adventure.otf');

.navbar-brand {
    font-family: adventure;

That might work, but you should probably try and get the .eot, .woff, .ttf and .svg font files as well. Don't forget you might need Ctrl+F5 to view CSS changes.

ItzArty commented 6 years ago

AAAnd... How I can make facebook page widget there where are discord, ts and twitter widgets? I want to have there it with posts and more...

ItzArty commented 6 years ago

Yo, and I maked for you an account with developer rank (fullperms), your name is there Samerton and password is ------ and I given you mail nomail@nomail.idk. :)

samerton commented 6 years ago

Thanks :)

ItzArty commented 6 years ago

But please help me with the fb widget... (two messages higher.)

samerton commented 6 years ago

You can get HTML code for your Facebook widget here, which then needs to be pasted into styles/templates/template/index.tpl; to add it to the social sidebar (by the Twitter widget) you can paste it onto line 40 which is currently empty (this line).

ItzArty commented 6 years ago

And what are the height and width? (as default)

samerton commented 6 years ago

It depends on a number of things (such as screen resolution), I can only recommend you have a play around with those values to see what you like.

ItzArty commented 6 years ago

Can do it you? Im very big noob to do this.





{if !empty($TWITTER_FEED) || !empty($VOICE_VIEWER)}


{foreach from=$newsArray item=news}
{$news.title} {$news.author_username} {$news.author_avatar}

{$} {$news.replies} | {$news.views}
{if !empty($TWITTER_FEED) || !empty($VOICE_VIEWER)}


{if !empty($TWITTER_FEED)} {$TWITTER_FEED} {/if} {if !empty($VOICE_VIEWER)} {if {$VOICE_VIEWER_TITLE} != 'Discord'}


{else} {$VOICE_VIEWER} {/if} {/if}
samerton commented 6 years ago

You simply add the you have there into line 40 of that file, which was linked in my last post.

ItzArty commented 6 years ago

But I dont know what from these two i must get there, the first on created only button to fb and the second not worked. (It didnt display anything.)

ItzArty commented 6 years ago


ItzArty commented 6 years ago

I doesnt do anything...

ItzArty commented 6 years ago
ItzArty commented 6 years ago


ItzArty commented 6 years ago

The same is on my page.. :(

samerton commented 6 years ago

Honestly all I can say it that you need to add all the code the Facebook widget provides you (the <script>...</script> and also the <div>...</div>) into the index.tpl file in your template, and then the widget will appear.

ItzArty commented 6 years ago

But it is... Still only button...

ItzArty commented 6 years ago

If i will screen you the fb generated code, can you add the dav, and the script, bcs for me it doesnt work... Im very big noob.

ItzArty commented 6 years ago
ItzArty commented 6 years ago
samerton commented 6 years ago

In that case you can edit styles/templates/template/index.tpl, and replace the code inside with this new code.

ItzArty commented 6 years ago

It works! Thank you!

ItzArty commented 6 years ago

My page isnt working after editing language...

ItzArty commented 6 years ago

How I can change language of site in configs?

ItzArty commented 6 years ago


ItzArty commented 6 years ago

Hmmm.. Is possible to get free ssl on nameless?

samerton commented 6 years ago

You'd need to ask your web host, Nameless is just a web software.