Nandaka / DanbooruDownloader

*booru image downloader
391 stars 40 forks source link

Download by member id - downloads only few images and says it sees only 1 page of 2 #22

Closed Owyn closed 11 years ago

Owyn commented 11 years ago

It downloads 10 images and says there is only 1 page but on website it says "31件" images and two pages

Log: 2013-01-19 00:13:46,079 - PixivUtil20121215 - INFO - ############################################################### 2013-01-19 00:13:46,079 - PixivUtil20121215 - INFO - Starting... 2013-01-19 00:13:46,079 - PixivUtil20121215 - INFO - Using Username: *** 2013-01-19 00:13:46,079 - PixivUtil20121215 - INFO - logging in with saved cookie 2013-01-19 00:13:46,079 - PixivUtil20121215 - INFO - Trying to log with saved cookie 2013-01-19 00:13:49,502 - PixivUtil20121215 - INFO - Logged in using cookie 2013-01-19 00:13:51,611 - PixivUtil20121215 - INFO - Member id mode. 2013-01-19 00:13:58,266 - PixivUtil20121215 - INFO - Processing Member Id: 20352 2013-01-19 00:13:58,282 - PixivUtil20121215 - INFO - Member Url: 2013-01-19 00:14:00,766 - PixivUtil20121215 - INFO - Member_id: 20352 complete, last image_id: 3095802

window direct log: PixivDownloader2 version 20121215 Reading V:\Program Files\PixivD\config.ini ... done. Creating database... done. Using Username: *** logging in with saved cookie Trying to log with saved cookie done. PixivDownloader2 version 20121215

  1. Download by member_id
  2. Download by image_id
  3. Download by tags
  4. Download from list
  5. Download from online user bookmark
  6. Download from online image bookmark
  7. Download from tags list
  8. Download new illust from bookmark
  9. Download by Title/Caption
  10. Download by Tag and Member Id

    11. Download Member Bookmark

d. Manage database e. Export online bookmark x. Exit Input: 1 Member id: 20352 Start Page (default=1): End Page (default=0, 0 for no limit): Processing Member Id: 20352 Reading V:\Program Files\PixivD\config.ini ... done. Page 1 Member Url: Member Name : ??? Member Avatar: Member Token : tateha


Already downloaded: 29155508


Already downloaded: 29022590


Already downloaded: 26879813


Already downloaded: 20830865


Already downloaded: 19781678


Already downloaded: 16862443


Already downloaded: 8160208


Already downloaded: 6427420


Already downloaded: 3362027


Already downloaded: 3095802 Last Page Done.

cfg file: [Settings] proxyaddress = useproxy = False useragent = Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Unix i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008071615 Fedora/3.0.1-1.fc9 Firefox/3.0.1 debughttp = False userobots = False filenameformat = %member_id% (%member_token%)\%urlFilename% - %title% filenamemangaformat = %member_id% (%member_token%)\%image_id%\%urlFilename% timeout = 60 uselist = False processfromdb = False overwrite = False tagsseparator = , daylastupdated = 7 rootdirectory = C:\DL Image Packs\ retry = 3 retrywait = 5 createdownloadlists = False downloadlistdirectory = . irfanviewpath = C:\Program Files\IrfanView startirfanview = False startirfanslide = False alwayscheckfilesize = False checkupdatedlimit = 0 downloadavatar = False createmangadir = False usetagsasdir = False useblacklisttags = False usesuppresstags = False tagslimit = -1 writeimageinfo = False

[Pixiv] numberofpage = 0 r18mode = False

Nandaka commented 11 years ago

wrong repository, please moved it to,

anyhow, that's weird as I can download all the images, and looking from the log file, it look like the image list is from page 1 and page 2 if you compare from pixiv... Likely the server return wrong number of images?