NanderTGA / msgroom-server

A custom, better msgroom server.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Encryption/decryption length depends on input length #1

Closed stretch07 closed 6 months ago

stretch07 commented 1 year ago

subj. not sure how to fix this

NanderTGA commented 1 year ago

Then I'll normalize the length. Got an idea on how to do that.

stretch07 commented 1 year ago

sounds good. make sure it is able to be decrypted too

NanderTGA commented 6 months ago

Since we are now hashing IPs instead of encrypting, I'll close this issue now.

RixInGithub commented 4 months ago

Since we are now hashing IPs instead of encrypting, I'll close this issue now.

Still quite long hash, since you just createHash("sha256").update(ip).digest("hex").toUpperCase(). For me, my browser (chroim by the way) doesn't even send X-Requested-From, so I honestly don't know how is my hash even generated. It gives the like as such: `

NanderTGA commented 4 months ago

When you send a request, the receiver can always see the ip so it knows where to send the response, otherwise it wouldn't know where to send the response to. Not sure what you're worried about.

stretch07 commented 4 months ago

also hashes should just be the normal msgroom length? I think they use MD5?

NanderTGA commented 4 months ago

I'm not sure how secure that would be. We don't want people to get their ips grabbed after all.

stretch07 commented 4 months ago

how is md5 not secure enough??? wdym secure?? hashing is one-way, and the odds of a collision are very small

stretch07 commented 4 months ago

now I'm really confused, how are you implementing this? is there a live example anywhere that relies on msgroom-server

stretch07 commented 4 months ago

not to mention you should be salting these hashes that should completely discard the risk of people blind-guessing IPs by checking if hashes match

RixInGithub commented 4 months ago

now I'm really confused, how are you implementing this? is there a live example anywhere that relies on msgroom-server

A live server of this MsgRoom instance stands on (redirects you to port 4096)

stretch07 commented 4 months ago

hm, his raspi must be off rn but ill wait and check tomorrow

RixInGithub commented 4 months ago

hm, his raspi must be off rn but ill wait and check tomorrow

Looks like I mistook the TLD by accident, it's

stretch07 commented 4 months ago

okay yeah why the fuck are the IDs so long

stretch07 commented 4 months ago

@NanderTGA can you explain why MD5 hashing and salting isn't secure enough?

NanderTGA commented 4 months ago

Currently I'm just hashing IPs. MD5 is not recommended for passwords so I thought better safe than sorry and use sha256. The truth is I am not a security expert. I do not know how secure this hashing + salting would be.

Let's list our requirements:

Before listing these I thought about aes, which is two-way, and I don't think we want that. So let's go with hashing + salting. But what algorithm is sufficiently resistant to brute force attacks? I was told MD5 is not.

stretch07 commented 4 months ago

But what algorithm is sufficiently resistant to brute force attacks? I was told MD5 is not.

it's not about resistance, it's about MD5 being super super fast (which you should consider as a server-side benefit), which means it doesnt take much time to generate many hashes in one go. I guess I agree with your judgement here but at the same time if you were to scale, you should probably consider MD5 because of its speed advantage