Nanite-Construction-System / NaniteConstructionSystem

A continuation of scripts for the Nanite Construction System
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Insufficient Power #175

Open Knallkopf-771 opened 3 years ago

Knallkopf-771 commented 3 years ago

The Facillity has enough power (over 1GW). But it dosen´t work. I started a new world with only this mod. but still the same problem.


SpaceEngineers_20210728_212845411.log SpaceEngineers_20210728_212502782.log

2021-07-28 2021-07-28 (2) 2021-07-28 (3)

Ichinix commented 3 years ago

Same issue here, and i just started using this mod since yesterday, lol, i hope they can fix this soon.

Edit: I just created a new world with only this mod activated to recreate the bug. please find attached log files and screenshots:

SpaceEngineers_NaniteFactory_BugReport_1_20200729 SpaceEngineers_NaniteFactory_BugReport_2_20200729 NaniteConstructionSystem.log SpaceEngineers_20210729_071800817.log

Ichinix commented 3 years ago

Nanobot Build and Repair System also stopped working (Tried it to replace this mod while waiting for a fix). One guy named Pontiac supplied a fix by editing the mod file responsible for checking the power of the grid. This seems like a similar issue as NCS has. Seems Keen changed the way how power is handled or something (Im not a coder :P just hoping to get this fixed :P)

Ichinix commented 3 years ago

WIth the last update this problem is solved for me. Many thanks!

Rainson12 commented 2 years ago

I am having the same issue, I have 900MW supply but the the NCS complains about not having enough power even though its only requesting .0001MW. I am using the latest version

AmaneSwiss commented 2 years ago

Don't fixed for me.. I use the "[VisSE] [2020] Oxy Hydro Gasses & Reactors" 120GW.

1alexby commented 1 year ago

I will support this problem. I have everything exactly as described. For some reason I don't understand, NCF works on the main ship, but it doesn't work on the station or on another ship. I went to experiment and found out that even if you remove the main ship, or cut off a piece with a working NCF, that is, divide the structure, the NCF stops working almost immediately. I met a similar problem in the Energy Shield mod, where the shield is charged by 2 percent only if you turn off the shield unit and then turn it on again. Well, a trifle that was definitely not there before, when building something on a small ship on the planet, provided that mod trasters are used, the ship immediately falls as if it was de-energized. Game version 1.201.013.

1alexby commented 1 year ago

WOW, I had a suspicion that it was all in the cockpit, I don't know why, but I decided to try it, and it WORKED! It's just that the reactor and NCF don't work, but it was worth putting the cockpit on, and everything immediately worked.

AmaneSwiss commented 1 year ago

Could it be that the mod reads the energy from the cockpit?

1alexby commented 1 year ago

Может быть, мод считывает энергию из кабины пилота?

Я тоже так думаю, но почему то на другие моды это не влияет. Проблема с другими модами сохраняется даже с кабиной пилота. Но и в других модах типа energy shield есть небольшие решения, а именно установка таймера который будет включать и выключать группу блоков щита, тогда они заряжаются, но пользоваться ими нельзя во время зарядки.