Nanite-Construction-System / NaniteConstructionSystem

A continuation of scripts for the Nanite Construction System
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LCD/Text Panel Display #182

Closed Just0Focus closed 2 years ago

Just0Focus commented 2 years ago

How do I display Nanite Control Facility Blocks "Detailed text" onto a Display?

Just0Focus commented 2 years ago

` #region code public Program() { Runtime.UpdateFrequency = UpdateFrequency.Update10; }

    void Main() 
        List<IMyTerminalBlock> nanites = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>(); 
        List<IMyTextPanel> lcd = new List<IMyTextPanel>(); 
        List<int> nfStats = new List<int>(5) { 0,0,0,0,0}; 
        List<String> nfStatus = new List<string>(); 
        int nfActives = 0; 
        int nfPower = 0; 
        String nfMissingComp = ""; 

            (block) => block.CustomName.Contains("Factory") 
        int nFactorys = 0; 
        foreach (IMyTerminalBlock nf in nanites) 
            string[] NFStat = { "" }; 
            if (nf != null) NFStat = nf.CustomInfo.Split('\n'); 
            //Echo("Processing: " + nf.CustomName); 
            for (int i = 0; i < NFStat.Length; i++) 
                if (NFStat[i].IndexOf("Status") >= 0) nfStatus[nFactorys] = nf.CustomName.Replace("Nanite Control Factory","NCF") + ": " + NFStat[i].Split(':')[1]; 
                if (NFStat[i].IndexOf("Active Nanites") >= 0) { nfActives += int.Parse(NFStat[i].Split(':')[1]); } 
                if (NFStat[i].IndexOf("Current Power") >= 0) { 
                    String sVal = NFStat[i].Split(':')[1]; 
                    int nLength = sVal.Length; 
                    int np = int.Parse(sVal.Substring(0, nLength - 3)); 
                    switch (sVal.Substring(nLength - 3, 2)) 
                        case "kW": 
                        case "MW": 
                            np = np * 1000;break; 
                        case "GW": 
                            np = np * 1000000;break; 
                    //Echo("Power : " + sVal + "/" + np); 
                    nfPower += np; 
                if (NFStat[i].IndexOf("Possible Construction") >= 0) { nfStats[0] += int.Parse(NFStat[i].Split(':')[1]); } 
                if (NFStat[i].IndexOf("Possible Deconstruction") >= 0) nfStats[1] += int.Parse(NFStat[i].Split(':')[1]); 
                if (NFStat[i].IndexOf("Possible Floating") >= 0) nfStats[2] += int.Parse(NFStat[i].Split(':')[1]); 
                if (NFStat[i].IndexOf("Possible Projection") >= 0) nfStats[3] += int.Parse(NFStat[i].Split(':')[1]); 
                if (NFStat[i].IndexOf("Possible Mining") >= 0) nfStats[4] += int.Parse(NFStat[i].Split(':')[1]); 
                if (NFStat[i].IndexOf("Missing components") >= 0) 
                    for (int j = i + 1; j < NFStat.Length - 1; j++) 
                        nfMissingComp+= " -"+NFStat[j] + "\n"; 
        string sDebug = ""; 
        if (nanites.Count != 0) 
            sDebug+="-= "; 
            if (nanites.Count > 1) sDebug += nanites.Count + " "; 
            sDebug += "Nanite Factory"; 
            if (nanites.Count > 1) sDebug += "s"; 
            sDebug += " =- \n"; 

            sDebug += "--<Tasks>--\n"; 
            if( nfStats[0] > 0 ) sDebug += "Construction  : " + (nfStats[0] / nanites.Count + "\n"); 
            if (nfStats[1] > 0) sDebug += "Deconstruction: " + (nfStats[1] / nanites.Count + "\n"); 
            if (nfStats[2] > 0) sDebug += "Floating      : " + (nfStats[2] / nanites.Count + "\n"); 
            if (nfStats[3] > 0) sDebug += "Projection    : " + (nfStats[3] / nanites.Count + "\n"); 
            if (nfStats[4] > 0) sDebug += "Mining        : " + (nfStats[4] / nanites.Count + "\n"); 

            sDebug += "--<Status>--\n"; 
            if(nfPower>1000000) sDebug += "Power  : " + nfPower/1000000 +" GW\n"; 
            else if (nfPower > 1000) sDebug += "Power  : " + nfPower / 1000 + " MW\n"; 
            else sDebug += "Power  : " + nfPower + " kW\n"; 

            sDebug += "Actives: " + nfActives +"\n"; 
            sDebug += "Status :\n"; 
            for(int i = 0; i < nanites.Count; i++) 
                if (nfStatus[i] != "" && !nfStatus[i].Contains("Enabled")) sDebug += " -" + nfStatus[i] + "\n"; 
            if(nfMissingComp!="") sDebug += "Missing :\n" + nfMissingComp; 
            sDebug = "Missing Factory"; 
            Echo("Missing Factory"); 
            (block) => block.CustomName.Contains("nf") 
        if (lcd.Count == 0) 
            foreach(IMyTextPanel ld in lcd) 
                Echo("OnScreen : " + ld.CustomName); 
                ld.WritePublicText(sDebug, false); 


Just0Focus commented 2 years ago

This Comes up with Missing