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Question of Global synchronization and data collection in embrassing parallel #2724

Closed Qthemaster closed 7 months ago

Qthemaster commented 7 months ago

Hi, I am new to use meep with mpi and I am currently creating a embrassing parallelization file. I separate the progresses in several subgroups and assign several simulation on each of the subgroup. Each of the simulation will use Harminv to get several modes and save. At the end of the simulation, I hope to transfer the data in each master progress to the global master and make some plot with this. However, since I am not familar with the C++ and the MPI, I don't know how to use the send or broadcast to do so. Then, I ask the group masters write temporary txt files to list its data and then globally synchronization with following code:

mp.all_wait() mp.begin_global_communications() mp.all_wait() mp.end_global_communications()

Although this code work for most of cases, I found out sometimes the global master cannot find the temporary files from some of the master though I can see these files are created. Thus, I think the problem is that some subgroup may still using there own comm while the others are finished so that the global all_wait just apply to these subgroup that already finished. Then the global master start processing before all the subgroup finished. Thus, I am wondering is there a way that could guarantee this global synchronization work properly? Also, could we use other functions like send or broadcast to communicate as well? merge_subgroup_data doesn't work since the data we transfer is a dict and its size depend on how many mode we find.

These are the code of my simulation:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import as cm import meep as mp import math import os import matplotlib.colors as mcolors

total_scales = np.linspace(0.98, 1.02, 10) filename = 'test0' path = '/home/qlin/return_message' harminv_data = {}

def save_harminv_results(harminv_data, path, base_filename): rank = mp.my_global_rank() unique_filename = f"{base_filename}rank{rank}.txt" full_path = f"{path}/{unique_filename}" with open(full_path, 'w') as file: for scale, modes in harminv_data.items(): for mode in modes: freq, Q = mode file.write(f"Scale: {scale}, freq: {freq}, Q: {Q}\n")

def run_simulation(scale):

eps = 11.9   # dielectric constant of silcon
w = 0.5 * scale  # width of unit 
t = 0.3
a = 0.7* scale # lattice constant 
r = 0.1* scale # radius of holes  (biggest at r=(a*n_silicon)/(n_air+n_silicon))

A = 0.6    # defect factor of a
B = 0.9    # defec factor of r
N1=6   #number of holes in the mirror
N2=7   #number of holes in defect 
pad = 0.3    # padding between pml layer and last hole
dpml = 0.5   # PML thickness

fcen = 0.649    # pulse center frequency
df = 0.1       # pulse freq. width
mp.filename_prefix = ''

def d(x):
    l = (A*a*x)+((x*(x+1)*((2*x)+1))/6)*(1-A)*a/(N2**2) #length of half of the defect
    return l

# The cell dimensions
sx = 2*(pad+N1*a+d(N2)+A*a+dpml)  # size of cell in x direction
sy = w+(0.5+dpml)*2  # size of cell in y direction
sz = t+(0.5+dpml)*2  # size of cell in z direction 

cell = mp.Vector3(sx, sy, sz)

blk = mp.Block(size=mp.Vector3(mp.inf, w, t), material=mp.Medium(epsilon=eps))
geometry = [blk]

for i in range(N1):
    geometry.append(mp.Cylinder(r, height = mp.inf, center=mp.Vector3(A*a + d(N2) + a/2 + i*a), material=mp.air))
    geometry.append(mp.Cylinder(r, height = mp.inf, center=mp.Vector3(-(A*a + d(N2) + a/2 + i*a)), material=mp.air))
for i in range(N2+1):
    geometry.append(mp.Cylinder((B*r+r*(1-B)*(i*i)/(N2*N2)), height = mp.inf, center=mp.Vector3(A*a + d(i)-(A*a+(1-A)*a*(i**2)/(N2**2))/2), material=mp.air))
    geometry.append(mp.Cylinder((B*r+r*(1-B)*(i*i)/(N2*N2)), height = mp.inf, center=mp.Vector3(-(A*a + d(i)-(A*a+(1-A)*a*(i**2)/(N2**2))/2)), material=mp.air))

s = mp.Source(
    src=mp.GaussianSource(fcen, fwidth=df),

sym = [mp.Mirror(mp.Z,+1),mp.Mirror(mp.X,+1),mp.Mirror(mp.Y,-1)]

sim = mp.Simulation(cell_size=cell,
# Create a Harminv object for monitoring
harminv_monitor = mp.Harminv(mp.Ey, mp.Vector3(0, 0, 0), fcen, df)

# Run the simulation, including Harminv analysis after the sources are off, until_after_sources=400)

# Retrieve the results from the Harminv analysis

harminv_results = harminv_monitor.modes
# Save the Harminv results to a file

# Add the Harminv results to the data dictionary for later use
harminv_data[scale] = [(mode.freq, mode.Q) for mode in harminv_results]

def distribute_tasks(scales, total_progress, max_ranks_per_task=224):

Determine the number of tasks for the first round of distribution.

# It ensures that the number of remaining scales is at least equal to total_ranks.
num_tasks= math.ceil(total_progress / max_ranks_per_task)
while (len(scales) % num_tasks != 0 and num_tasks < len(scales)) :
    num_tasks += 1

# Split the scales for the first round, leaving out the last 'total_ranks' scales.
scales_per_task = np.array_split(scales, num_tasks)

return num_tasks, scales_per_task

def merge_and_delete_temp_files(path, base_filename, group_master_ranks): all_data = {}

# Merge the contents of each temporary file created by group masters
for rank in group_master_ranks:
    temp_filename = f"{path}/{base_filename}_rank_{rank}.txt"
    with open(temp_filename, 'r') as file:
        for line in file:
            scale, freq, Q = parse_line(line)
            if scale not in all_data:
                all_data[scale] = []
            all_data[scale].append((freq, Q))

    # Delete the temporary file after reading its contents

# Write the merged data into a single output file
output_path = f"{path}/{base_filename}.txt"
with open(output_path, 'w') as file:
    for scale, modes in all_data.items():
        for freq, Q in modes:
            file.write(f"Scale: {scale}, freq: {freq}, Q: {Q}\n")

return all_data

def parse_line(line):

Parse each line of the file to extract scale, frequency, and Q-factor

parts = line.strip().split(',')
scale = float(parts[0].split(': ')[1])
freq = float(parts[1].split(': ')[1])
Q = float(parts[2].split(': ')[1])
return scale, freq, Q

total_ranks = mp.count_processors() # Total number of available processes ranks, scales_per_task = distribute_tasks(total_scales, total_ranks)

print (scales_per_task)

n = mp.divide_parallel_processes(ranks) group_masters =mp.get_group_masters() for scale in scales_per_task[n]: run_simulation(scale) mp.all_wait()

if mp.am_master(): save_harminv_results(harminv_data, path, filename)

mp.all_wait() mp.begin_global_communications() mp.all_wait() mp.end_global_communications()

if mp.am_really_master(): merged_data = merge_and_delete_temp_files(path, filename, group_masters) cmap = cm.get_cmap('viridis')

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
all_Q_factors = [mode[1] for modes in merged_data.values() for mode in modes]
min_Q, max_Q = min(all_Q_factors), max(all_Q_factors)
norm = mcolors.Normalize(vmin=min_Q, vmax=max_Q)

for scale, modes in merged_data.items():
    frequencies = [mode[0] for mode in modes]
    Q_factors = [mode[1] for mode in modes]

    colors = cmap(norm(np.array(Q_factors)))
    ax.scatter([scale]*len(frequencies), frequencies, color=colors)

cb = plt.colorbar(cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=cmap), ax=ax, label='Q Factor')
stevengj commented 7 months ago

Closing as duplicate of