Closed vorobus closed 3 years ago
If you are getting a 10% jump in the frequency (from 1.3 to 1.4) as you change the radius slightly, then it is too big to be a discretization effect. You must have some other problem.
e.g. a bug in how you are defining the geometry, or in how you are identifying the gap (you know that this structure only has a gap in the guided modes, right?), or something like that.
Thank you, @stevengj!
Indeed, a 10% jump forced me to shift my direction of thoughts towards some bug search,
Just to clarify:
2D cylinder modes I first tried to see what happens if I consider just cylindrical glass waveguide and sweep the R of a cylinder and ask for the frequency of the modes at particular k = pi/a As expected I got a smooth picture: But I noticed that it could be a frustration between the modes if one solves only for 2 modes, but 2-nd and 3-rd are crossing.
I tried then to rerun my initial example of 3D waveguide photonic crystal consisting of the dielectric prism and elliptical vacuum hole in it, and solving for n_bands = 2
and n_bands = 3
, and here is what I see:
When I solve for n_bands = 3, run_te
And here is where I use n_bands = 2, run_te
solver (same resolution, and same mesh_size)
So, it is maybe related to the fact that when I ask only for 2 modes, the choice of the second mode is frustrating for the solver? It would be interesting to hear your opinion on that, Thank you, and with best regards, Vadim
Code for triangular waveguide file:
# Global parameters:
# # height of the prism
# h = 0.15 # units of um
# # width of the beam
# w = 0.3 # units of um
import meep as mp
from meep import mpb
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import font_manager as fm
import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
import shutil as sh
fontpath = '/home/yy3/.fonts/times.ttf'
prop = fm.FontProperties(fname=fontpath, weight = 'ultralight')
plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=8)
plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=8)
plt.rc('axes', labelsize=8)
# width as measured in inkscape
width = 3.487
height = width / 1.618
#%matplotlib inline
import os
from datetime import datetime
import scipy
from scipy import interpolate
from scipy import optimize
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pickle
import time
import h5py
class analyze_geometry:
c = 300.0 #um*THz speed of light
def __init__(self, a = 1.0, h = 0.2, w = 0.4,res = 64, sc_y = 2, r = None, sc_z = 2, n_Host = 1.0, n_SiC = 2.6, k_point_x = None, plot = True):
h: height of the beam # um
w: full top width of the beam
sc_.. : width of the computational cell (in a)
k_point_x: in units of $2\pi/a$
#recalibration to unit cell.
if r is None:
fiber = False
fiber = True
self.a = a # um
self.h = h
self.w = w
self.fundmode = 'even'
self.resolution = res # cells per a
self.parity = mp.ODD_Y
#self.h = h/self.a # units of "a"
#self.w = w/self.a # units of "a"
r = r
self.sc_y = sc_y # supercell width
self.sc_z = sc_z # supercell height
self.Air = mp.Medium(index=n_Host)
self.host_n = n_Host
self.Glass = mp.Medium(index=1.45)
self.geometry_lattice = mp.Lattice(size=mp.Vector3(0,sc_y,sc_z))
self.SiC = mp.Medium(index=n_SiC)
#geometry_lattice = mp.Lattice(size=mp.Vector3(period,4,4))
self.vertices = [mp.Vector3(0,w/2,h/2), mp.Vector3(0,-w/2,h/2), mp.Vector3(0,0,-h/2)]
self.geometry = [mp.Prism(vertices = self.vertices, axis = mp.Vector3(1,0,0),height = mp.inf, material=self.SiC)]
if fiber:
self.geometry.append(mp.Cylinder(center=mp.Vector3(0,0,r+h/2),axis = mp.Vector3(1,0,0), radius=r, height=mp.inf, material=self.Glass))
self.num_k = 20
self.num_bands = 8
self.k_min = 0.0
self.k_max = 4*a
self.k_points_all = mp.interpolate(self.num_k, [mp.Vector3(self.k_min), mp.Vector3(self.k_max)])
self.k_points = [mp.Vector3(k_point_x,0,0)]
# self.ms_all = mpb.ModeSolver(geometry_lattice=self.geometry_lattice,
# geometry=self.geometry,
# k_points=self.k_points_all,
# resolution=self.resolution,
# num_bands=self.num_bands)
self.case_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "Nanobeam_data",'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S'))
def run(self,te, tm, *kwargs):
self.ms_all = mpb.ModeSolver(geometry_lattice=self.geometry_lattice,
if te and tm:
elif te and not tm:
elif tm and not te:
print('Error: nothing to run')
def find_dk(self):
Finds delta from light cones...
self.lambd = 0.916 # um V1 defect
self.KS = np.linspace(self.k_min, self.k_max, len(self.k_points_all)) = []
for i in range(self.num_bands): # number of bands
x = self.KS / self.a
y = self.ms_all.all_freqs.T[i] * self.c / self.a
f = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(x,y,3)
f0 = self.c / self.lambd
g = lambda arg: abs(f(arg) - f0)
res = scipy.optimize.minimize_scalar(fun=g, bounds=[self.k_min/self.a, self.k_max/self.a], method='Bounded', tol=1e-3)
k_i = res.x
KS_0 = f0*self.host_n / self.c #: self.c / self.a / self.host_n * self.KS == f0 - KS_0)
#plt.plot(self.KS / self.a, self.c / self.a / self.host_n * self.KS, 'k--')
#plt.hlines(xmin=0, xmax=4, y=self.c / self.lambd, colors='g', ls='-.')
def get_dispersion_curve(self, save= False, label_plot = None):
f = plt.figure(dpi=150)
self.lambd = 0.916 #um V1 defect
self.KS = np.linspace(self.k_min,self.k_max,len(self.k_points_all))
for i in range(self.num_bands): # number of bands
# plt.plot(self.KS/self.a,self.ms_all.all_freqs.T[i]*self.c/self.a, '-', lw = 0.5)
plt.plot(self.KS/self.a, self.ms_all.all_freqs.T[i]/self.a, '-', lw=0.5)
plt.plot(self.KS/self.a, self.host_n * self.KS / self.a, 'k', lw=0.8)
# plt.plot(self.KS/self.a,-self.c/self.a/self.host_n*self.KS+self.c/self.a,'k',lw=0.8)
# plt.hlines(xmin=0,xmax=4,y=self.c/self.lambd,colors='g', ls='-.')
# plt.text(0, 360, r'$\lambda_{vac} = '+ str(1e3*self.lambd) + r' nm$',color = 'g',fontproperties = prop)
# plt.text(0, 550, r'w = '+str(round(self.w,3))+r'$\mu m$ h = '+str(self.h)+r' $\mu m$',fontproperties = prop)
# plt.text(0, 460, r'n0 = ' + str(round(self.host_n,3)), fontproperties=prop)
plt.xlabel(r'$k_x a/2 \pi$', fontproperties=prop)
plt.ylabel(r'Frequency $\omega a/2\pi c$', fontproperties=prop)
#plt.hlines(xmin=0,xmax=4,y=self.c/self.lambd,colors='g', ls='-.')
#plt.text(0, 360, r'$\lambda_{vac} = '+ str(1e3*self.lambd) + r' nm$',color = 'g',fontproperties = prop)
#plt.text(0, 550, r'w = '+str(round(self.w,3))+r'$\mu m$ h = '+str(self.h)+r' $\mu m$',fontproperties = prop)
#plt.text(0, 460, r'n0 = ' + str(round(self.host_n,3)), fontproperties=prop)
#plt.xticks(fontproperties = prop)
#plt.yticks(fontproperties = prop)
#plt.xlabel(r'$k_x, 2\pi/\mu m$', fontproperties = prop)
#plt.ylabel('Frequency c/a, THz',fontproperties = prop)
f.set_size_inches(width, height)
f.subplots_adjust(left=.20, bottom=.23, right=0.95, top=.98)
if save:
def estimate_mode_at_freq(self, freq=1, L = None, mode = 'abs', component = None):
# estimate field profile at all bands.
# modes: abs, real, imag
# components: ex,ey,ez,hx,hy,hz,all,e,h
self.all_fields = []
self.all_fields_h = []
self.fluxes = []
self.mode_k_points = []
for band in range(self.num_bands):
if L is None:
freq = freq
freq = 1.0/self.a/L
# find the P vector
for parity in ['even', 'odd']:
k_point, pointing_x_real = self.find_k(band,freq, parity = parity)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax = plt.axes()
shape = pointing_x_real.shape
y = np.linspace(0,self.sc_y, shape[0])
z = np.linspace(0,self.sc_y, shape[1])
im = ax.pcolormesh(y,z,pointing_x_real, cmap = 'hot',linewidth=0,rasterized=True)
ax.set_title('Pointing vector x real k ='+str(round(k_point[0],2)),fontproperties = prop)
ax.set_xlabel(r'y coordinate, $\mu m$', fontproperties=prop)
ax.set_ylabel(r'z coordinate, $\mu m$', fontproperties=prop)
fig.set_size_inches(width, height*1.6)
fig.subplots_adjust(left=.12, bottom=.22, right=0.98, top=.80)
fig.savefig(os.path.join(self.case_dir, 'P_x'+str(band)+'_'+parity+'_'+'.pdf'))
if component is not None: = mpb.ModeSolver(geometry_lattice=self.geometry_lattice,
for fi in ['e','h']:
if fi in component:
for bi, base_vector in enumerate(["x","y","z"]):
f,ax = plt.subplots()
if fi == 'e':
fields =,bloch_phase=True)
elif fi == 'h':
fields =,bloch_phase=True)
d = np.real(fields[:,:,0,bi]).T
absmax = max([abs(d.min()),abs(d.max())])
norm = mcolors.DivergingNorm(vmin=-absmax, vmax = absmax, vcenter=0)
#plt.imshow(d,, norm=norm)
im = ax.pcolormesh(y,z,d, cmap = "RdBu",rasterized=True, norm = norm)
#eps =
#ax.contour(eps[::-1,:].T, cmap='binary')
ax.set_xlabel(r'y coordinate, $\mu m$', fontproperties=prop)
ax.set_ylabel(r'z coordinate, $\mu m$', fontproperties=prop)
f.set_size_inches(width, width)
ax.set_title('k = ' +str(k_point), fontproperties = prop)
f.subplots_adjust(left=.12, bottom=.22, right=0.91, top=.82)
def find_k(self,band, freq, parity = None):
f_mode = freq#1/0.86 # frequency corresponding to 0.86 um
band_min = 1+band
band_max = 1+band
kdir = mp.Vector3(1)
tol = 1e-6
kmag_guess = f_mode*2.0
kmag_min = f_mode*0.1
kmag_max = f_mode*4.0
parity_def = 'odd'
parity = parity_def if parity is None else parity
self.parity = {'even':mp.EVEN_Y, 'odd':mp.ODD_Y}[parity]
k = self.ms_all.find_k(self.parity, f_mode, band_min, band_max, kdir, tol, kmag_guess,
kmag_min, kmag_max,mpb.output_poynting_x)#, mpb.display_group_velocities)
if self.parity == mp.ODD_Y:
files = "flux.v.k01.b01.x.yodd.h5"
elif self.parity == mp.EVEN_Y:
files = "flux.v.k01.b01.x.yeven.h5"
with h5py.File(files) as f:
d = np.array(f['x.r']).T
return k,d
def save(self, fig):
variables_to_save = ["h",
d = {}
for var in variables_to_save:
var2 = var.split('.')
if len(var2) == 1:
d[var] = self.__dict__[var]
d[var] = self.__dict__[var2[0]].__dict__[var2[1]]
except Exception as e:
# 1. save the figure and the data
folder_name = self.case_dir
pickle.dump(d,open(os.path.join(folder_name, "variables.p"),'wb'))
fig.savefig(os.path.join(folder_name, "plot.pdf"))
sh.copy2(os.path.join(""),os.path.join(folder_name, ""))
#%notebook -e _backup.ipynb
sh.copy2(os.path.join('Modes_of_the_waveguide_SiC.ipynb'),os.path.join(folder_name, "_backup.ipynb"))
my_analysis = analyze_geometry()
The instructions from jupyter notebook to reproduce the figures:
from importlib import reload
import nanobeam as nb; reload(nb)
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import os
import numpy as np
l_te = 0.916 #nm
theta = 45 #deg
k = 10/7.0
res = 32
sc = 1.2317642832343687*0.9482403860729134
a = sc*0.319*l_te;print('a',a)
w = sc*0.58*l_te*(k)**0.5;print('w',w, w/a)
h = sc*(w/2)/np.tan(np.deg2rad(theta));print('h',h, h/a)
r = sc*0.087*l_te/a;print('r',r, r*a)
r1_max = sc*(k)**0.5*0.145*l_te/a;print('r1_max',r1_max, r1_max*a)
r1_min = sc*0.087*l_te/a;print('r1_min',r1_min, r1_min*a)
r1s = np.linspace(r1_min,r1_max,7)
for ms in [3,7]:
plt.figure(figsize = (5,3), dpi=100)
my_analysis_list2 = []
for r1_I in r1s:
my_analysis_list2.append(nb.analyze_geometry(a=a, mesh_size = ms,
num_k = 5, num_bands = 2,
res = 15,n_SiC = 2.6,
sc_x = 1.0, sc_y = 5.0,
sc_z = 5.0, h=h/a, w = w/a,
r = 2*r, r1 = 2*r1_I))
ma = my_analysis_list2[-1],te=True,run=True)
ma.get_dispersion_curve(save=True,label = 'te')
lowhigh_tm = []
for ma in my_analysis_list2:
freqs_tm = ma.ms_te.all_freqs/ma.a
lowhigh_tm = np.array(lowhigh_tm)
plt.title('Mesh_size:' + str(ms) + '_TE bandgap')
plt.plot(r1s,lowhigh_tm.T[1], '.-')
#plt.plot(r1s,lowhigh_tm.T[2], '.-')
plt.ylabel(r'frequency, $1/\lambda$')
plt.xlabel('Radius, [a]')
plt.hlines(xmin = r1s[0], xmax = r1s[-1], y = 1/0.916, color= 'r', ls = '--', label = '916 nm')
Hi, I am new to MPB and learning the basics and found some unclear behavior of TE mode frequency upon sweeping the geometry of the object with sharp edges.
I am trying to follow the algorithm from the paper
combined with this paper:
And want to simulate a bandgap of such a structure as a function of hole size:
To do this, I created the unit cell of interest (3D) with Prism as a waveguide and cylinder geometric object and ask for TE modes.
Searching for them, I found that when I gradually change the R of the holes, the mode frequency of the second even mode is having instabilities. Looking up the problem in the manual and documentation I found that this could come from the discontinuity of the epsilon, and could be tackled via the
parameter.I wonder, what is the good practice with this? How the
parameter actually affects the obtained epsilon? Despite that, I made the mesh size 7,11, or 15, and it seems not removing the problem - I am still getting the jumps in the frequency when changing the R slowly. What could be the solution to this problem?Where the X-axis is the R of the holes. Thank you in advance!