NanoMichael / MicroTeX

A dynamic, cross-platform, and embeddable LaTeX rendering library
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Added support for building wasm from meson #155

Closed sp1ritCS closed 11 months ago

sp1ritCS commented 11 months ago

For some reason, when using the meson built microtex-wasm.wasm it initially starts to throw a few microtex::ex_parse: Missing '['! and microtex::ex_parse: Missing '{'! when switching rendering mode that don't occur with cmake. But since wasm seems impossible to debug, I didn't look into it further.

Also replaced a mirror that seems to be only resolvable in mainland china with the normal npmjs registry, as npm just hangs otherwise and it'll fail eventually (also using http instead of https 😬 ).

sp1ritCS commented 11 months ago

Looking at the wasm build artifact, it seems that meson build is more busted than I thought it was. Def. not ready to merge yet.

sp1ritCS commented 11 months ago

Ok, I've got some form of debugging working and it seems string indexing is really broken.

in Parser::parse() the following string "-b\\pm\\sqrt{b^2-4ac}" with _pos being 10 sets ch to \ instead of the expected {.

Same for the string "T\\kern-.15em\\raisebox{-.4ex}{E}\\kern-.15em X" with _pos being 28 results in ch being \ instead of the expected {.

This is really wierd and I have no idea why this is.

I did some more side-by-side native v. wasm debugging and it turns out that the exceptions in wasm aren't checked if they are catched further up the stack. So Parser::getGroup throws ex_parse and it is immediately passed to javascript instead of being caught by Parser::getOptsArgs in the getOpts lambda.