NanoMichael / MicroTeX

A dynamic, cross-platform, and embeddable LaTeX rendering library
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Status and scope of openmath branch #168

Open kpeeters opened 3 months ago

kpeeters commented 3 months ago

I am working on using MicroTeX for the notebook interface of my symbolic computer algebra software Cadabra. This all works very nicely, many thanks for the great work!

In order to know where to focus my attention, can someone perhaps give a quick summary of the status of the openmath branch, and the scope of features it tries to include beyond the main branch? Am I best off using openmath or is it, for stability, better to stick to the main branch for now?

sp1ritCS commented 3 months ago

MicroTeX (openmath) is supposed to replace the legacy cLaTeXMath version eventually. Practically no new things will ever be added to cLaTeXMath again and development was only focused on MicroTeX, but it seems to have stalled the last half year.

The latest update regarding a proper release was, where Nano wanted at least some more bugs fixed (some equations cause segfaults, mostly nullptr derefs) and some documentation but given that nothing happened on that wrong it's kinda stuck in limbo.

I'd still suggest you go with MicroTeX, it's API is unlikely to change and a large chunk of crashing equations have only been fixed for MicroTeX. Also CLM has a bit of a licensing issue, as it is a rewrite of jLaTeXMath, but with MIT license instead of the original GPL-3.0, while still using JLM assets (not that this should be an issue for you, given that your app is already GPL-3.0 licensed :)).

kpeeters commented 2 months ago

I have played a bit with the openmath branch now, and it looks like there are various things not yet working (e.g. using boldface fonts in text mode, \text{\bf hello}). Am I doing things wrong or should I not yet expect all typesetting that the master branch handles correctly to work in the openmath branch?

sp1ritCS commented 2 months ago

(e.g. using boldface fonts in text mode, \text{\bf hello}). Am I doing things wrong or should I not yet expect all typesetting that the master branch handles correctly to work in the openmath branch?

I've done some quick testing:\textbf{ASD}\\\mathbf{ASD} and it seems that bold font only works when setting a main font (the web demo only provides XITS, I'll investigate using LatinModern as main font tomorrow). But if you initialize µTeX correctly, bold fonts should work.

kpeeters commented 2 months ago

Ah, you're right, I was not setting fonts correctly. Thanks.