Nanostring-Biostats / InSituType

An R package for performing cell typing in SMI and other single cell data
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updateReferenceProfiles - make smarter #148

Closed patrickjdanaher closed 6 months ago

patrickjdanaher commented 2 years ago

Right now updateReferenceProfiles just takes the mean profile of the anchors.

There's a more sophisticated approach that's partly coded up as "updateProfilesFromAnchors_partial_update_incomplete_code" in the rescaleProfiles.R script.

patrickjdanaher commented 2 years ago

Code deleted from Main branch:

#' Use anchor cells to update reference profiles
#' Uses anchor cells to estimate platform effects / scaling factors to be applied to
#'  the genes/rows of the reference profile matrix. Then uses Bayesian math to
#'  update the individual elements on X. 
#' @param counts Counts matrix, cells * genes.
#' @param neg Vector of mean negprobe counts per cell. Can be provided 
#' @param anchors Vector of anchor assignments
#' @param reference_profiles Matrix of expression profiles of pre-defined clusters,
#'  e.g. from previous scRNA-seq. These profiles will not be updated by the EM algorithm.
#'  Colnames must all be included in the init_clust variable.
#' @param align_genes Logical, for whether to align the counts matrix and the reference_profiles by gene ID.
#' @param nb_size The size parameter to assume for the NB distribution.
#' @param max_rescaling Scaling factors will be truncated above by this value and below by its inverse (at 1/value and value)
#' @return A matrix of updated reference profiles
#' \enumerate{
#' \item profiles: A profiles matrix with the rows rescaled according to platform effects and individual elements updated further
#' \item scaling_factors: A vector of genes' scaling factors (what they were multiplied by when updating the reference profiles). 
#' }
#' @export
updateProfilesFromAnchors_partial_update_incomplete_code <- function(counts, neg, anchors, reference_profiles, align_genes = TRUE, nb_size = 10, max_rescaling = 5) {

  # get total expression and negs per anchor cell type:
  sums <- sapply(by(counts, anchors, colSums), cbind)
  rownames(sums) <- colnames(counts)
  temp <- by(neg, anchors, sum)
  negsums <- as.vector(temp)
  names(negsums) <- names(temp)
  negsums <- negsums[colnames(sums)]

  ### build data frame for estimating row/gene scaling factors:
  celltypes <- intersect(colnames(reference_profiles), unique(anchors))
  genes <- intersect(rownames(sums), rownames(reference_profiles))
  df <- data.frame(
    gene = rep(genes, length(celltypes)),
    celltype = rep(celltypes, each = length(genes)),
    ref = as.vector(reference_profiles[genes, celltypes]),
    rnasum = as.vector(sums[genes, celltypes]),
    negsum = rep(negsums, each = length(genes))
  df$bgsub <- pmax(df$rnasum - df$negsum, 0)
  # throw out rows with values too low to be useful in estimating a log-ratio:

  ### calculate weights based on precision of anchors' total counts:
  # get sd of log(totrna - totneg) - log(ref), based on the delta method
  df$sd <- sqrt(rowSums(cbind((df$rnasum-df$negsum)^-2, (df$rnasum-df$negsum)^-2, df$ref^-2) * cbind(df$rnasum, df$negsum, df$ref)))

  #get_sd_of_log_bgsub_totcounts <- function(i) {
  #  y <- df$rnasum[i]
  #  n <- df$negsum[i]
  #  r <- df$ref[i]
  #  out = sqrt(t(c((y-n)^-1, -(y-n)^-1, -r^-1)) %*% diag(c(y, n, r)) %*% c((y-n)^-1, -(y-n)^-1, -r^-1))
  #  sqrt(sum(c((y-n)^-2, (y-n)^-2, r^-2) * c(y,n,r)))
  #  #out = sqrt(t(c((y-n-r)^-1, -(y-n-r)^-1, -(y-n-r)^-1)) %*% diag(c(sqrt(y), sqrt(n), sqrt(r))) %*% (c((y-n-r)^-1, -(y-n-r)^-1, -(y-n-r)^-1)))
  #  return()
  #df$sd = sapply(seq_len(nrow(df)), get_sd_of_log_bgsub_totcounts)
  df$weight = 1 / df$sd

  ### model platform effects:
  # remove rows with values too low to be useful:
  bgsub_toolow <- df$bgsub < 50
  ref_toolow <- df$ref < quantile(df$ref[df$ref > 0], 0.2)
  df <- df[!bgsub_toolow & !ref_toolow, ]
  mod <- lm(log(bgsub) ~ gene + celltype + offset(log(ref)) - 1, weights = df$weight, data = df)
  coefs <- mod$coefficients[substr(names(mod$coefficients), 1, 4) == "gene"]
  stderrs <- summary(mod)$coefficients[names(coefs), 2]
  # get a shrinkage estimate of coefs, assuming that coefs have a distribution with sd = log(1.25):
  priorvar <- log(1.25)^2
  coefs <- (coefs - weighted.mean(coefs, w = 1/stderrs)) * priorvar / (stderrs^2 + priorvar)
  # fill in missing genes:
  names(coefs) <- substr(names(coefs), 5, nchar(names(coefs)))
  coefs[] <- mean(coefs, na.rm = TRUE)
  coefs[setdiff(genes, names(coefs))] <- mean(coefs)

  ### now get bayesian estimates of element-wise updates of ref
  ref_rescaled <- sweep(reference_profiles[, colnames(sums)], 1, exp(coefs), "*")
  bgsub_profiles <- pmax(sweep(sums, 2, negsums, "-"), 0)[rownames(ref_rescaled), match(colnames(ref_rescaled), colnames(sums))]
  logfoldchanges <- log(bgsub_profiles) - log(ref_rescaled)
  # estimate SD of each element:
  negmatrix = sweep(sums*0, 2, negsums, "+")
  sdmat <- sums[genes, ] * NA
  for (cell in colnames(sums)) {
    sdmat[, cell] <- sqrt(rowSums(cbind((sums[genes, cell] - negmatrix[genes, cell])^-2, (sums[genes, cell] - negmatrix[genes, cell])^-2, ref_rescaled[genes, cell]^-2) * cbind(sums[genes, cell], negmatrix[genes, cell], ref_rescaled[genes, cell])))
  # shrink each column of logfoldchanges to its weighted mean:
  var_of_elementwise_logfoldchanges <- log(1.5)^2
  shrunkenlogfoldchanges <- logfoldchanges * NA
  for (cell in colnames(sums)) {
    use = ![, cell]) & (abs(logfoldchanges[, cell]) < Inf)
    meanlogfc <- weighted.mean(logfoldchanges[use, cell], w = sdmat[use, cell]^-1)
    shrunkenlogfoldchanges[, cell] <- pmax(pmin(logfoldchanges[, cell] - meanlogfc, log(50)), -log(50)) * 
      var_of_elementwise_logfoldchanges / (sdmat[, cell]^2 + var_of_elementwise_logfoldchanges)
    shrunkenlogfoldchanges[, cell][[, cell])] <- 0

  ### apply shrunkenlogfoldchanges to get an updated reference:
  updated <- ref_rescaled * exp(shrunkenlogfoldchanges)


if (FALSE) {
#  #' Rescale rows of reference profiles based on deconvolution of "bulk" data
#  #' 
#  #' Estimates platform effects and rescales the reference matrix accordingly
#  #' @param counts Counts matrix, cells * genes.
#  #' @param neg Vector of mean negprobe counts per cell. Can be provided 
#  #' @param reference_profiles Matrix of expression profiles of pre-defined clusters,
#  #'  e.g. from previous scRNA-seq. These profiles will not be updated by the EM algorithm.
#  #'  Colnames must all be included in the init_clust variable.
#  #' @param align_genes Logical, for whether to align the counts matrix and the reference_profiles by gene ID.
#  #' @param nb_size The size parameter to assume for the NB distribution.
#  #' @param max_rescaling Scaling factors will be truncated above by this value and below by its inverse (at 1/value and value)
#  #' @return 
#  #' \enumerate{
#  #' \item profiles: A profiles matrix with the rows rescaled according to platform effects
#  #' \item scaling_factors: A vector of genes' scaling factors (what they were multiplied by when updating the reference profiles). 
#  #' }
#  #' @export
#  #' @importFrom SpatialDecon spatialdecon
  rescaleProfiles <- function(counts, neg, reference_profiles, align_genes = TRUE, nb_size = 10, max_rescaling = 5) {

    # align genes:
    if (align_genes) {
      sharedgenes <- intersect(rownames(reference_profiles), colnames(counts))
      lostgenes <- setdiff(colnames(counts), rownames(reference_profiles))

      # subset:
      counts <- counts[, sharedgenes]
      reference_profiles <- reference_profiles[sharedgenes, ]

      # warn about genes being lost:
      if ((length(lostgenes) > 0) & length(lostgenes < 50)) {
        message(paste0("The following genes in the count data are missing from reference_profiles and will be omitted from anchor selection: ",
                       paste0(lostgenes, collapse = ",")))
      if (length(lostgenes) > 50) {
        message(paste0(length(lostgenes), " genes in the count data are missing from reference_profiles and will be omitted from anchor selection"))

    # get background-subtracted bulk profile:
    totcounts <- matrix(colSums(counts), ncol(counts))
    rownames(totcounts) <- colnames(counts)
    totcountsbgsub <- pmax(totcounts - sum(neg), 0)

    # deconvolve the bulk profile with spatialdecon:
    res <- SpatialDecon::spatialdecon(norm = cbind(totcounts, totcounts), 
                                      bg = sum(neg), 
                                      X = reference_profiles, 
                                      resid_thresh = Inf)
    log2resids <- res$resids[, 1]
    log2resids <- log2resids - mean(log2resids)
    scaling_factors <- 2^log2resids
    scaling_factors <- pmax(pmin(scaling_factors, max_rescaling), max_rescaling^-1)
    rescaledprofiles <- sweep(reference_profiles, 1, scaling_factors, "*")

    out = list(profiles = rescaledprofiles,
               scaling_factors = scaling_factors)
