Nanostring-Biostats / SpatialDecon

The SpatialDecon library implements the SpatialDecon algorithm for mixed cell deconvolution in spatial gene expression datasets. (This algorithm also works in bulk expression profiling data.)
MIT License
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Norm matrix from raw matrix and NegProbes #41

Open cnk113 opened 1 year ago

cnk113 commented 1 year ago


I have some GeoMX WTA data, but I was wondering if there was a possibility of normalizing the matrix just from the count matrix? Also I was wondering what do we do if we have multiple negative probes? Do we just take the mean?

Thanks, Chang

maddygriz commented 1 year ago

Hi Chang,

Sorry for the late response, I have been out of the office for the past couple days. Our customer support team will be able to help you with this. Please email with your issue.

Thanks, Maddy