NaomiCreate / cnss-app

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Laying the Milestones 16/05/2021 #36

Open mavishak opened 3 years ago

mavishak commented 3 years ago

Testing and Improving

During the last month we have been testing and improving our code:

User Input

We have received feedbacks from 4 different users. Seeing as the user's interaction and experience consist mostly from the web application we have built, we saw fit that two of the users would focus their feedback only on our website, while the other two gave feedback on the full system.

The documented feedback can be found here - version 1 - website only - Tester 1 04/04/2021.pdf version 1 - website only - Tester 2 06/04/2021.pdf version 1 - full system - Tester 3 06/05/2021 .pdf version 1 - full system - Tester 4 07/05/2021 .pdf

Currently we are working to improve our project, according to the user input.



In process

To be done

Under consideration Do to the fact that the number of CRUD requests we send Firebase is relatively high and that in order to implement an emailing service when an alert is received, we need to enter our credit card information we have stalled the process until later notice.


Do to the fact that we have spent a lot of time trying to implement the I2C protocol there has been a bit of a stall in this area of the project.


Issues It seems that the current implementation creates a race condition between the control handler, alert handler and the diffrent interrupts. A link to a more detailed issue we have opened for this topic -
