NaomiProject / Naomi

The Naomi Project is an open source, technology agnostic platform for developing always-on, voice-controlled applications!
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Naomi and WasmEdge Runtime - Able to run Naomi on Any device. #393

Open 99bits opened 5 months ago

99bits commented 5 months ago

Thank you for creating this super awsome Naomi project.

I would really love to be able to use Naomi on an Android phone and while researching possibilities, I found WasmEdge Runtime. My intuition is that this could be done but since I a newbie with Naomi, perhaps someone can explore this possibility or perhaps you can give some guidance as to what would be needed to do this conversion.


aaronchantrill commented 5 months ago

I'm happy to hear that you are interested in Naomi. Naomi is primarily aimed at being easy to develop on. The idea is that users can write plugins for different behaviors without having to understand the entire system. For instance, if you wanted to try a new speech to text engine (whisper, coqui, speechbrain, etc.), you should be able to install Naomi and get it running with the default plugins, then use the whisper API to write a new plugin to try that out and see how it interacts with the whole system. The goal is to encourage experimentation.

Right now, Naomi requires a Debian type system (Ubuntu, Mint, etc.) to run on just because the installer uses apt to install some of the required packages.

All of that being said, it should be possible to build a new core that would run in another environment. I'm not clear on how easy it is to access python plugins from something like WASM, but if you are interested in working on it, we will be happy to provide guidance. I can give you a simplified version of the plugin importer if you are interested in testing it.