Narutocc / Vue

:smirk_cat:Vue is a progressive framework for building user interfaces. Vue is also perfectly capable of powering sophisticated Single-Page Applications when used in combination with modern tooling and supporting libraries.
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ts decorator装饰器 #79

Open Narutocc opened 4 years ago

Narutocc commented 4 years ago





 * target -> 被装饰的对象
 * key -> 被装饰的函数名
 * descriptor -> 被传递过来的属性的属性描述符,可以通过 Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor()方法来查看属性描述符
 * target 对于静态成员来说是类的构造函数,对于实例成员来说是类的原型对象
 * propertyKey 成员的名字,这里是method
 * descriptor 成员的属性描述符


**1. 由上至下依次对装饰器表达式求值

  1. 求值的结果会被当做函数,由下至上依次调用。**
    <script lang='ts'>
    function f () {
    console.log('f(): evaluated')
    return function (target, propertyKey: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor) {
      console.log('f(): called')
    function g () {
    console.log('g(): evaluated')
    return function (target, propertyKey: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor) {
      console.log('g(): called')
    class C {
    method () {}
    // 打印结果如下:
    // f(): evaluated
    // g(): evaluated
    // g(): called
    // f(): called