Nashev / TextBrain

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Belief state #78

Open Nashev opened 8 years ago

Nashev commented 8 years ago information about when, why and how an action was performed, what effects the action had and what the belief state of the robot looked like during the performance.»

Nashev commented 4 years ago — описание системы, очень похожей на то, что здесь задумываю я. Вместо фактов в ней мнения, с оценкой степени уверенности в их подробности (beliefs, верования). Движок, система вывода следствий и всё такое...

Nashev commented 4 years ago

Цитата оттуда про их виды движков генерации выводов:

The major content of each layer is briefly summarized in the following:

[NAL-1:] Inference on atomic terms and inheritance statements, where a statement may have both positive and negative evidence, and the impact of future evidence also needs to be considered. The rules include deduction, abduction, induction, revision, choice, etc. [NAL-2:] Variants of the inheritance copula are introduced, including similarity, instance, and property. New inference rules include comparison, analogy, and resemblance. Also, a term can represent a set defined by its sole instance or property. [NAL-3:] Compound terms can be derived by taking intersection, union, or difference of the extension (instances) or intension (properties) of the existing terms. Inference rules composite new terms, according to the patterns in the experience of the system. [NAL-4:] Using term operators product and image, NAL is extended to cover arbitrary relations among terms that cannot be directly taken as copulas. The meaning of such a relation is determined by the system's experience, rather than fixed and built-in. [NAL-5:] When a statement is taken as a term, NAL can express statement on statement, as well as carry out inference on such "higher-order statements". Two higher-order copulas, implication and equivalence, are added into the logic to express derivation relations among statements. [NAL-6:] Variable terms can be used as symbols for other terms. In inference rules, variable terms can be introduced, unified, or eliminated (i.e., instantiated). With variable terms, the system can carry out hypothetical inference on abstract symbols, so as to serve as a meta-logic of an arbitrary reasoning system. [NAL-7:] An event is a statement with temporal attribute, specified with respect to another event. In temporal inference, both the logical information and the temporal information in the premises are processed to derive a prediction or explanation. [NAL-8:] An operation is an event that can be directly realized by the system, via the execution of some programs in the host system. A goal is an event the system desires to realize. With procedural inference, the system attempts to use the operations to realize the goals. [NAL-9:] When the operations involved in procedural inference are the internal operations of NARS, a self-referential loop is formed that gives the system the ability of self-awareness and self-control. Other related topics include emotion and consciousness.

Roughly speaking, in the above NARS hierarchy, Layer 1 establishes the simplest non-axiomatic logic in the framework of term logic, with lessons learned from several non-classical logics (including inductive logic, probabilistic logic, fuzzy logic, relevance logic, non-monotonic logic, etc.); Layer 2-4 adapt ideas from set theory to specify compound terms; Layer 5 and 6 introduce certain functions of propositional logic and predicate logic, respectively; Layer 7-9 borrow ideas from logic programming to extend the reasoning framework to procedural knowledge and sensorimotor mechanism. However, as a whole NAL does not belong to any above logical system.

Nashev commented 4 years ago

A task is processed by interacting with the beliefs of the system in an inference process. Beliefs are knowledge summarized from previous experience. Besides directly solving questions and goals, forward inference derives new beliefs, and backward inference derives new questions and goals.

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