Nashoba-Robotics / Nashoba-Robotics2017

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Make Nexus Comm. More Robust #3

Open arlevin opened 7 years ago

arlevin commented 7 years ago

Nexus currently loses ability to communicate with the Roborio after hours of operation. This is an extremely serious issue, since the loss of comms means we lose all ability to process vision. Currently the only known work around is to Factory Reset the phone.

arlevin commented 7 years ago

Perhaps see if Hard Reset instead of Factory reset also addresses the issue?

gbear605 commented 7 years ago

It's important to note that a Factory Reset only temporarily solves the issue, with it coming back after a time period (often multiple days).

Also, re-uploading the app to the Nexus fixed it temporarily. It is uncertain at which point it stopped being fixed, but it was a very short period of time. Perhaps either the app closing or the app losing comms with the robot for the first time.

Ipsum commented 7 years ago

Prior investigation done:

Attempted to check the system logs on the Nexus after the connection drops out. Found out that android deletes the system logs on reboot.

Googled the problem. We are not unique in having this issue. Many people complain about the exact same thing.

Checked system storage, root and boot partition size. Was not full.

Did not seem to be a problem with ssh or the physical connection. Possibly a driver issue ( on the rio side? ).