Open adib1996 opened 3 years ago
Somewhere deep inside FFMPEG or open-wa, these loggers keep being send to console when Mp4toSticker function is used
Started ffmpeg -f mp4 -i pipe:0 -y -vcodec libwebp -vf crop=w='min(min(iw,ih),500)':h='min(min(iw,ih),500)',scale=500:500,setsar=1,fps=8 -loop 0 -ss 00:00:00.0 -t 00:00:06.0 -preset default -an -vsync 0 -s 512:512 -f webp /tmp/processing.1d337twbv3.webp
let's find a way to disable it.
Somewhere deep inside FFMPEG or open-wa, these loggers keep being send to console when Mp4toSticker function is used
Started ffmpeg -f mp4 -i pipe:0 -y -vcodec libwebp -vf crop=w='min(min(iw,ih),500)':h='min(min(iw,ih),500)',scale=500:500,setsar=1,fps=8 -loop 0 -ss 00:00:00.0 -t 00:00:06.0 -preset default -an -vsync 0 -s 512:512 -f webp /tmp/processing.1d337twbv3.webp
let's find a way to disable it.