Create an OAuth2-Client-ID
Define the redirect URI to be https://mydomain/index.php/settings/user/externalstorages
You will get a client ID and secret that goes into the settings of files_external_gdrive
after adding the redirect URI, you need to press 'Save' twice!
Here is the error i get when i hit " grant access"
i have nextcloud 14 and latest gdrive app.
After i enter my
I have done the following
Create an OAuth2-Client-ID Define the redirect URI to be https://mydomain/index.php/settings/user/externalstorages You will get a client ID and secret that goes into the settings of files_external_gdrive after adding the redirect URI, you need to press 'Save' twice!
Here is the error i get when i hit " grant access"
Error: redirect_uri_mismatch