Nat-Lab / chunithm-touch

Touchscreen and Leap Motion support for Chunithm.
The Unlicense
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Can't inject ctw.dll #6

Open badpixel13 opened 3 years ago

badpixel13 commented 3 years ago

When I use this string it boots (with original chunihook.dll): inject -d -k chunihook.dll chuniApp.exe

But this string doesn't boots (after apply chunithm-touch): inject -d -k chunihook.dll -k ctw.dll chuniApp.exe

ctw.dll: DLL failed to load inside target process

I installed Visual C++ all in one from here:

and Java, node.js as well.

intel i5 10400, windows 10 - 64bit

magicnat commented 3 years ago

Sorry for the late reply.

It appears that this happen to user with no leap motion drivers; if you don't need leap controller support, please try an older version (e.g., 0.2.1).