NatLibFi / Skosmos-widget-wiki

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How does Wikipedia widget handle items that lack concent in any of the vocabulary languages #16

Open tpalonen opened 1 year ago

tpalonen commented 1 year ago

This is an open question, not a reported issue. Just leaving this here for discussion. The YSO concepts geomagnetism and school attendance are examples of concepts that are linked to an item that (currently) lacks Wikipedia content in Finnish, Swedish or English.

Also, bleaching:

tpalonen commented 3 months ago

Another question that is related to YSO and Wikidata links (and Wikipedia widget, to an extent):

Some YSO ID's have been marked "Deprecated" after rejudging. So, certain Wikidata items are no longer considered valid matches for a YSO concept and we have chosen to indicate this by marking these YSO IDs "deprecated". (See: However, the YSO IDs are still visible in the data, even though deprecated. Whether this deprecation is the best way to do this, is up for discussion. Another option would be to just remove the YSO IDs. Are there any risks involved in keeping the YSO IDs in the data when there simply isn't a match between the Wikidata item and the YSO concept?

I suppose this is not an issue for Wikipedia widget as long as the incorrect/obsolete/erroneous Wikidata link is no longer in YSO's data.