NatLibFi / Skosmos

Thesaurus and controlled vocabulary browser using SKOS and SPARQL
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Accessibity improvements needed on the Ontology Page #1037

Open miguelvaara opened 3 years ago

miguelvaara commented 3 years ago

[Make the changes as shown in the illustration]

1) The Ontology Page should offer a possibility to tab through interactive items in a logical order [numbered order in the illustration].

2) The semantic structure of the page should be improved by relevant and comprehensive heading levels [as shown in the illustration]

3) Skip link is a shortcut to important parts of the page (content) and makes the access to content quicker. The skip link helps to avoid unnecessary repetition of static page elements [content area marked in the illustration / the skip link should be located in the beginning of the body tag] Ontologiasivu_valmis

miguelvaara commented 3 years ago

Skip link targets the search options, not the description area

Tab order:

Headers (level H2):

Headers (level H3):

Check what a screen reader "says" while entering the page. Should be the base uri (or the title?)

miguelvaara commented 3 years ago

The skip link should become visible when it receives keyboard focus. Maybe hiding it off screen and then to be positioned on screen when it receives keyboard focus?

miguelvaara commented 3 years ago

All the information for a screen reader should be available in Finnish, Swedish and English