NatLibFi / Skosmos

Thesaurus and controlled vocabulary browser using SKOS and SPARQL
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Finto tab should remain the same when returning to a Finto-page from external site on the same browser tab (Metatietosanasto) #1595

Open fantsby-m opened 4 months ago

fantsby-m commented 4 months ago

When you click an external link on a concept page in Finto and it opens on the same browser tab (as they do in Finto) and then return to the same Finto-page using backspace, you always land on the Hierarkia-tab on Finto instead of the Finto-tab on which you clicked the external link. This is a usability issue especially on Metatietosanasto since it does not have an ontology-type hierarchy, i.e. the Hierarkia-tab is not in use - even though it is visible in Metatietosanasto as well. This may be an issue in other vocabularies and ontologies as well.

For example, if you click the RDA Vocabularies link on this page kuva

and then return using backspace, you land on this: kuva

Solutions: 1) the tab when you return remains the tab you left from, or 2) external links open in new browser tab instead of the same browser tab, leaving the Finto page from which you click the link intact.