NatSatie / study-tracker

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magoosh #2

Closed NatSatie closed 1 year ago

NatSatie commented 1 year ago


Started in 16/04/2023


✅ I knew the word 🤏 I heard but not that much ✖️ Didn't know the word

consensus ✅

noun: an agreement reached by a whole group of people

novel ✅

adjective: interestingly new or different Example: The scientist devoted her career to discovering novel uses for plastics that would otherwise be thrown away.

implausible 🤏

adjective: describing a statement that is not believable Sally knew James was lying because his story was so implausible—nobody could have stayed awake for 80 straight hours.

elicit ✖️

verb: to cause feelings or responses to come out Just smiling—even if you are depressed—can elicit feelings of pleasure and happiness.

PT-BR: evocar [evocando|evocado] {v.} extrair [extraindo|extraído] {v.} provocar emoções {v.}

obsolete ✅

potent ✅

apprehension ✅

clumsy ✅

brisk ✖️

adjective: quick and energetic Alice walked at such a brisk pace that Frank began sweating trying to stay next to her.

paradox ✅

deviate 🤏

verb: to turn away from a plan or standard The delicious smell of croissants filled the air, but Sasha knew that if she stepped into the bakery, she would surely deviate from her dit.

scores ✅

noun: a large number of something

ingenuity ✖️ do not mistaken form naive

noun: the quality of being clever and original Although Thomas Edison is often remembered for his inventions and ingenuity, it was his talent in business that truly made him great.

tenacious ✖️🤏

adjective: unchanging and stubborn Starting a career as a poet is almost impossible today—only the most tenacious writers follow their dreams long enough to find success.

barren ✖️

adjective: not able to produce plants (of land) Many Americans think of the Sonoran Desert as entirely barren, unaware of the diverse ecosystem that actually survives in that harsh environment.

eradicate ✅

striking 🤏

adjective: very noticeable and unusual

Magoosh IELTS Blog ✖️

noun: A place to find valuable information including IELTS study tips. Learn more at

invoke 🤏

verb: to mention a topic in order to make people feel a certain way

futile ✅

adjective: without the possibility of success

waive ✖️

verb: to say officially that a normal requirement isn't required The government decided to waive the minimum number of classes needed to maintain student visas for those who met family requirements instead.

upheaval 🤏

noun: a violent, sudden, and large change

serene ✅

analogy ✅

intersperse ✖️

verb: to place among or between other things The garden was a mess, with unwanted grass interspersed throughout the flowers.

amend ✅

irrevocable ✅

adjective: impossible to reversed Fleeing his country was Abraham's best chance at survival, but once he left his decision would be irrevocable.

colossal ✅

profound ✅

meager ✖️

adjective: not enough in amount Aunt Lu's meager collection of board games was not enough to keep the children entertained on a rainy day.

dormant ✅

adjective: inactive now but able to become active later

outlook ✖️

noun: how a person thinks about the world With her warm smile and ability to find the advantages of even the worst situations, Janet became known in the office for her positive outlook.

This word has other definitions, but this is the most important one to study

endorse ✅

feasible 🤏

adjective: possible to do without problem

apathetic ✅

fracture ✅

ragged ✅

adjective: with uneven edges; torn

affluent ✖️

adjective: wealthy The homes at the top of the hill are so large and beautiful that only the highly affluent can afford them.

harness ✅

synthesize ✅

verb: to combine two different things into one

prevail ✅

verb: to continue to exist, staying important or common

turbulent ✅

remnant ✅

cozy ✅

pivotal ✖️

adjective: exteremely important in order to succeed

devise ✖️

verb: to think of or plan an idea or system

viable ✅

faint ✅

rugged ✅

adjective: rough and uneven or rocky

superfluous ✖️

adjective: more than is needed, desired, or required

derivative ✅

adjective: imitating or based on

template ✅🤏✖️

template ✅🤏✖️

template ✅🤏✖️

NatSatie commented 1 year ago

NatSatie commented 1 year ago

also check