NatVanG / PBI-Inspector

A rules-based Power BI report layout testing tool.
MIT License
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Error with Build job for Report Rules ""[error]PBI entry "reportLayout" with path "Report/Layout" is not valid or does not exist, resuming to next PBI Entry iteration if any." #36

Closed MKhalid90 closed 1 week ago

MKhalid90 commented 1 week ago


I dont know what i am doing wrong. I have uploaded the Power BI File to ADO and wanted to run a build on the Report following the Continous integration with Power BI. For some reason the Run Rules Report build Job fails. I tried to remove the pbix entry path but it doesnt change anything since im only putting PBIP and the Report and Semantic model folder on ADO. Here is the error that is thrown out. Will appreciate guidance on this "[error]PBI entry "reportLayout" with path "Report/Layout" is not valid or does not exist, resuming to next PBI Entry iteration if any."

NatVanG commented 1 week ago

Hello, thanks for posting. Are you using the Enhanced Metadata Format (PBIR) currently in preview (as of June 2024, see announcement at This version of PBI Inspector does not support the new format. A new version is in the works which does support the new report format (see branch at and I plan to release the binaries shortly.

MKhalid90 commented 1 week ago

Hi Nat,

Yes i am using the new preview feature with the PBIR. That could be the reason. Thanks for your reply and i am waiting for it.