These scripts will take large historical time series stacks of daily climate variables for the US and aggregate to monthly. Steps are unpacking NetCDf, aggregate, mask/clip, and save as GeoTiff Edit Add topics
Checklist of variables that need to be created/downloaded/processed. All variables should be created at 1km resolution, which can be spatially aggregated as needed. If that is too computationally intensive then we can opt for 4k.
Checklist of variables that need to be created/downloaded/processed. All variables should be created at 1km resolution, which can be spatially aggregated as needed. If that is too computationally intensive then we can opt for 4k.
functions to write
Transportation Variables
Terrain Variables
National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD)
NLCD percent impervious surfaces thing
LandFire Environmental Site Potential (2001 - reported as being the base map)
Wildland-Urban Interface
Housing Density per partial block group (SILVIS Lab)
Population Density