NateRickard / Plugin.AudioRecorder

Audio Recorder plugin for Xamarin and Windows
MIT License
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Build fails due to missing resources #29

Closed christiand closed 5 years ago

christiand commented 5 years ago

Just trying to tinker with your app, as both an example to see how to bootstrap an app with Xamarin Forms on both android and iOS with a shared library, as well as a base for a recording app i want to make.

OSX 10.13.5 Visual Studio Community 2017 Cloned repo, opened solution file in root directory.

Package errors:

Restoring NuGet package NuGet.Build.Packaging.0.2.5-dev.1.
  NotFound 2494ms
Unable to find version '0.2.5-dev.1' of package 'NuGet.Build.Packaging'. Package 'NuGet.Build.Packaging.0.2.5-dev.1' is not found on source ''.

Package restore failed for project Plugin.AudioRecorder.iOS: Unable to find version '0.2.5-dev.1' of package 'NuGet.Build.Packaging'. Package 'NuGet.Build.Packaging.0.2.5-dev.1' is not found on source ''.

Package restore failed for project Plugin.AudioRecorder.Android: Unable to find version '0.2.5-dev.1' of package 'NuGet.Build.Packaging'. Package 'NuGet.Build.Packaging.0.2.5-dev.1' is not found on source ''.

Package restore failed.

When I try to build AudioRecord.Forms.Android, there's lots of missing resource errors /Users/cd/src/rekt/Samples/Forms/AudioRecord.Forms.Android/Resources/values/styles.xml(0,0): Error APT0000: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar'. (APT0000) (AudioRecord.Forms.Android)

Was able to build and run ..Forms.iOS in simulator!

NateRickard commented 5 years ago

The NuGet.Build.Packaging package takes some setup as it comes from a non-standard NuGet server. You can set it up (per the readme) or remove it to get everything building. See #28

Re: the resource errors, you may need to update your Android SDK bits and build tools. Those errors tend to pop up when a project targets a version of Android + support library but it can't find the needed resources locally on your machine.