NateShoffner / Disable-Nvidia-Telemetry

Windows utility to disable Nvidia's telemetry services
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Suggestion: disable more Nvidia entries? #4

Closed Gittyperson closed 6 years ago

Gittyperson commented 6 years ago

Thank you for your helpful utility. The suggestion is to add the ability to also disable other Nvidia auto-start entries, which are non-telemetry related (hopefully) and won't affect the system if disabled. The ones I can see are "profile update" checks (game-related I assume) and a desktop context menu entry, which can already be disabled in the Nvidia control panel but still leaves a remnant registry entry.

beerisgood commented 6 years ago

Also see this nice Script:

HetNeSS commented 6 years ago

"C:\ProgramData\Nvidia" also might be interesting to check out, as well as "C:\Program Files\Nvidia Corporation\Installer2\Display.driver". Blocked all incoming and outcoming traffic for the time being, we'll see how it'll turn out later

ratbuddy commented 6 years ago

While we're wishing for stuff, how about a way to run shadowplay without GFE?

NateShoffner commented 6 years ago

@Gittyperson not really looking to over generalize the program for things unrelated to Nvidia telemetry.

@LaravelBen nope, GFE is required for ShadowPlay.