NateWebb03 / FilTestRepo

A test repository for allocator application automation
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Test app 1067 #1069

Open NateWebb03 opened 5 months ago

NateWebb03 commented 5 months ago

Notary Allocator Pathway Name:




Allocator's On-chain addresss:


Country of Operation:

North America

Region(s) of operation:

Greater China,North America,Asia minus GCR

Type of allocator: What is your overall diligence process? Automated (programmatic), Market-based, or Manual (human-in-the-loop at some phase). Initial allocations to these pathways will be capped.


Amount of DataCap Requested for allocator for 12 months:

150 PiB

Is your allocator providing a unique, new, or diverse pathway to DataCap? How does this allocator differentiate itself from other applicants, new or existing?

Our approach combines human input, tools, and external analysis to achieve efficiency, fairness, flexibility, and convenience in our allocator.

We will continue to use the original LDN evaluation dimensions, such as retrieval success rate and other indicators, allowing the experience gained to be continuously utilized. Through a cycle of issuing, tracking, verifying, evaluating, and reissuing, we provide a transparent and regularly disclosed management mechanism. This includes timely displays of client and packaging situations, data availability, and compliance with allocation regulations. Multiple indicators will indicate the overall performance of clients, aiding in the efficient detection of those who meet the requirements. Prompt action will be taken against non-compliant clients, and the combination of tools and manual monitoring will significantly improve the efficiency of the allocation process. We offer a deal proposal service, allowing clients on the whitelist to autonomously manage their deal proposals through our service, enhancing flexibility and convenience. We will establish a data mutual aid system with client miners to avoid redundant data downloads, saving bandwidth resources and reducing costs.

As a member in the Filecoin Community, I acknowledge that I must adhere to the Community Code of Conduct, as well other End User License Agreements for accessing various tools and services, such as GitHub and Slack. Additionally, I will adhere to all local & regional laws & regulations that may relate to my role as a business partner, organization, notary, or other operating entity. * You can read the Filecoin Code of Conduct here:

Acknowledgment: Acknowledge

Cient Diligence Section:

This section pertains to client diligence processes.

Who are your target clients?

Individuals learning about Filecoin,Small-scale developers or data owners,Enterprise Data Clients,Other (specified above)

Describe in as much detail as possible how you will perform due diligence on clients.

We believe that while automation can enhance efficiency, it cannot completely eliminate all risks. Therefore, we hope to combine tools with human intervention to complete the due diligence of clients. The automated process can collect on-chain data and make comprehensive judgments based on general indicators. However, it is unable to accurately assess each non-standard, but due diligence-compliant behavior of individual clients. This aspect will be supplemented by manual methods.

Please specify how many questions you'll ask, and provide a brief overview of the questions.

  1. Could you briefly introduce yourself and also your organization and let us know how we can connect you ?
  2. Can you describle your use case for requesting datacap and how will you transfer dataset to miners (any tools you use and also show use the details about tools if it is open source)
  3. Which miners will you coorperate to finish dataset onboarding? Please list all the info about these miners(location / handels / fil address. etc )
  4. which tools would you like to use for proposal deals and prepare car files?
  5. Do you agree if we use our system to monitoring your deal on boarding?

Will you use a 3rd-party "Know your client" (KYC) service?

We will not mandate KYC (Know Your Customer) for users. However, if a user can provide KYC, we will give them a higher allocation priority." "If a user does not provide KYC but still wishes to obtain a higher allocation priority, they will need to provide proof of information equivalent to KYC.

Can any client apply to your pathway, or will you be closed to only your own internal clients? (eg: bizdev or self-referral)

Of course Any client can apply at first , after that As the allocation of DataCap continues, we will prioritize those with higher scores.

How do you plan to track the rate at which DataCap is being distributed to your clients?

During the process of allocating DataCap to applicants, we also score them based on well-defined indicators (such as retrieval success rate). New applicants will receive an initial score that is the average of all applicants. We will determine the future allocation quota for clients based on these scores. This is a timed and quantified feedback system. We prefer to start with a distribution rate of once per week initially, and then increase this rate as the client's score improves, similar to the TCP congestion control approach.

Data Diligence

This section will cover the types of data that you expect to notarize.

As a reminder: The Filecoin Plus program defines quality data is all content that meets local regulatory requirements AND • the data owner wants to see on the network, including private/encrypted data • or is open and retrievable • or demonstrates proof of concept or utility of the network, such as efforts to improve onboarding

As an operating entity in the Filecoin Community, you are required to follow all local & regional regulations relating to any data, digital and otherwise. This may include PII and data deletion requirements, as well as the storing, transmitting, or accessing of data.

Acknowledgement: Acknowledge

What type(s) of data would be applicable for your pathway?

Public Open Dataset (Research/Non-Profit),Public Open Commercial/Enterprise

How will you verify a client's data ownership? Will you use 3rd-party KYB (know your business) service to verify enterprise clients?

This time, our priority is on public data. For private enterprise data, if there is a desire to receive an allocation, agreeing to a KYB (Know Your Business) process is required. Drawing on the experience of EFIL+, we will use a KYB approach similar to what was employed in the EFIL+ process to ensure fairness and impartiality.

How will you ensure the data meets local & regional legal requirements?

For existing client applicants, we will obtain basic data from previous LDN applications, including the location information of miners and the cooperation status with clients, to establish a scoring model." "For new client applicants, miners that are new partners will provide basic location information. If applicants are willing to undergo KYC and provide proof of address, they will receive a higher score and be included in the distribution system." "For nodes with location changes, new address proof is required to maintain their score. If there is a change of address without prior notification, this will result in a deduction of points, affecting the application quota.

What types of data preparation will you support or require?

We are developing integrated tools, but this will require some time. Before the release, we recommend that Data Partners (DPs) use Singularity or Boost for data processing tasks. Once our proprietary integrated tools are released, we will transition to using these tools.

What tools or methodology will you use to sample and verify the data aligns with your pathway?

Whether data is allocated as per regulations: We determine if the data is reasonably allocated by querying on-chain deals distributed to miners and considering the distribution of miners." "Whether data is accurately stored: We require Data Partners (DPs) to disclose the rules for generating their client's CAR files. We prioritize processing public data. For data verification and spot checks, we will start from the very original data source. We plan to use tools (similar to retrieval bots) to periodically and randomly retrieve data. By applying the CAR file generation rules, we extract the original data and match it with the actual data to assess its validity. Based on these results, we will update the client's score.

Data Distribution

This section covers deal-making and data distribution.

As a reminder, the Filecoin Plus program currently defines distributed onboarding as multiple physical locations AND multiple storage provider entities to serve client requirements.

Recommended Minimum: 3 locations, 4 to 5 storage providers, 5 copies

How many replicas will you require to meet programmatic requirements for distribution?


What geographic or regional distribution will you require?

Asia / America / Europe

How many Storage Provider owner/operators will you require to meet programmatic requirements for distribution?


Do you require equal percentage distribution for your clients to their chosen SPs? Will you require preliminary SP distribution plans from the client before allocating any DataCap?

As mentioned above, we do not require clients to proactively disclose their distribution plans. We monitor in real-time and allocate DataCap in small, rapid batches. If we find that the data distribution is unreasonable and there is no satisfactory feedback, we will stop further distribution until an explanation and final adjustments are made. This entire process should also affect the scoring.

What tooling will you use to verify client deal-making distribution?

first stage we will use and CID checker which used in previous LDN check manually and next stage we will combine them to our own platform

How will clients meet SP distribution requirements?

As mentioned above, we do not require clients to proactively disclose their distribution plans. they only need to register those miners to our database first (at the first stage we will do this manually) and new miners basic info will be record and checked , after that client would proposal deals to any miners they want and no need to tell that plan again

As an allocator, do you support clients that engage in deal-making with SPs utilizing a VPN?

It depends, KYC would be used first including the proof of location first if you want to get enough datacap ,after that it's ok whether you use VPN or not

DataCap Allocation Strategy

In this section, you will explain your client DataCap allocation strategy.

Keep in mind the program principle over Limited Trust Over Time. Parties, such as clients, start with a limited amount of trust and power. Additional trust and power need to be earned over time through good-faith execution of their responsibilities and transparency of their actions.

Will you use standardized DataCap allocations to clients?

Yes, standardized

Allocation Tranche Schedule to clients:

We will use a dynamic method for that

Will you use programmatic or software based allocations?

Yes, standardized and software based

What tooling will you use to construct messages and send allocations to clients?

At the first stage we will use existing notary registry tooling at and then we will use our own system to do that

Describe the process for granting additional DataCap to previously verified clients.

Yes, As mentioned before, we use a scoring mechanism to determine how much DataCap an applicant can be allocated. Clients who have completed verifications such as KYC will receive higher scores, and correspondingly, they will be allocated more DataCap.

Tooling & Bookkeeping

This program relies on many software tools in order to function. The Filecoin Foundation and PL have invested in many different elements of this end-to-end process, and will continue to make those tools open-sourced. Our goal is to increase adoption, and we will balance customization with efficiency.

This section will cover the various UX/UI tools for your pathway. You should think high-level (GitHub repo architecture) as well as tactical (specific bots and API endoints).

Describe in as much detail as possible the tools used for: • client discoverability & applications • due diligence & investigation • bookkeeping • on-chain message construction • client deal-making behavior • tracking overall allocator health • dispute discussion & resolution • community updates & comms

Using historical application information from the existing LDNs, we will input this data into our system, which includes information about current client applicants, their cooperating miners, and the data previously provided by miners. In the first phase, we will use methods similar to the existing LDNs. Applicants submit their requests on GitHub, and we will review these in conjunction with the existing LDN data within 1 to 2 business days, recording both the client and their desired cooperating miner. This information will be entered into our database, and scores will be assigned based on the applicant's provided information using our scoring system. Subsequently, DataCap will be allocated to the applicants based on these scores, and they will be integrated into our monitoring system. We will use tools (lotus/boost/retrieval bot/singularity)for:

In summary, we aim to replace subjective judgments with automated processes and algorithmic methods.

Will you use open-source tooling from the Fil+ team?

Yes,We will use the same method like LDN at the first stage (github issue for register) and open source the scoring method on github

Where will you keep your records for bookkeeping? How will you maintain transparency in your allocation decisions?

Yes, We will also open source our scoring algorithm and provide open access to the latest miner data and deal distribution details, retaining all historical data. In the event of a dispute, the data's authenticity can be verified by recalculating it using the algorithm and original data.

Risk Mitigation, Auditing, Compliance

This framework ensures the responsible allocation of DataCap by conducting regular audits, enforcing strict compliance checks, and requiring allocators to maintain transparency and engage with the community. This approach safeguards the ecosystem, deters misuse, and upholds the commitment to a fair and accountable storage marketplace.

In addition to setting their own rules, each notary allocator will be responsible for managing compliance within their own pathway. You will need to audit your own clients, manage interventions (such as removing DataCap from clients and keeping records), and respond to disputes.

Describe your proposed compliance check mechanisms for your own clients.

We will open source our scoring algorithm and provide open access to the latest miner data and deal distribution details, retaining all historical data. In the event of a dispute, the data's authenticity can be verified by recalculating it using the algorithm and original data. and our own client would also follow the same rules and algorithm

Describe your process for handling disputes. Highlight response times, transparency, and accountability mechanisms.

In our assessment system, disputes typically arise when an applicant provides falsified data or a miner provides inaccurate data. Initially, we reach out to the disputed client or miner to provide further proof, and update our database accordingly. We allow 1-3 business days for a response. If no response is received, the score will be reduced linearly over time. In the absence of compelling evidence, the reduction will be due to insufficient proof. For clients or miners who have provided evidence, the outcome is decided by voting, which lasts for 5 business days. The advantage of this approach is that it allows a conclusion to be reached and the process to move forward, preventing the situation from being stuck in endless community debates. Moreover, as our database of historical data continuously expands, leveraging the power of big data, if future evidence provided by a client or miner conflicts with past information, their past misconduct will be investigated and factored into the scoring system. The historical data is verifiable and ensures fairness and justice.

Detail how you will announce updates to tooling, pathway guidelines, parameters, and process alterations.

We will set up an organizational GitHub account, which will contain open-source tool codes, data access methods, and management processes. Basic information will also be available on our website. Any updates will be synchronized to Slack and other community channels.

How long will you allow the community to provide feedback before implementing changes?

Community members can provide feedback at any time, and a discussion section will be set up on our organization's GitHub for everyone to engage in discussions. We will also quantify the popularity of these discussions and provide a community voting method to decide whether to incorporate the discussed matters into the next implementation. From past experience, language has been a significant barrier. We will utilize existing technologies (such as GPT and other tools) for multilingual synchronization of community opinions. Additionally, we will regularly hold AMAs (Ask Me Anything sessions) to ensure broader coverage and involvement of community members, aiming to achieve greater transparency and equality.

Regarding security, how will you structure and secure the on-chain notary address? If you will utilize a multisig, how will it be structured? Who will have administrative & signatory rights?

Yes, Multisig will be used at the first stage , and will be held by Harry and Peter , Considering that in the second phase, the program will trigger operations such as signatures, we will use AWS's Enclave solution to implement a secure scheme for notary addresses. This will be based on AWS's KMS (Key Management Service) to ensure the security of the addresses. The security of the AWS account will be under the overall responsibility of the head of Topblocks.

Will you deploy smart contracts for program or policy procedures? If so, how will you track and fund them?

Yes vote procedures would be implemented by using smart contract. and also we will create some reward mechnism in the future to encourage more members to build the community


While the Filecoin Foundation and PL will continue to make investments into developing the program and open-sourcing tools, we are also striving to expand and encourage high levels of service and professionalism through these new Notary Allocator pathways. These pathways require increasingly complex tooling and auditing platforms, and we understand that Notaries (and the teams and organizations responsible) are making investments into building effective systems.

It is reasonable for teams building services in this marketplace to include monetization structures. Our primary guiding principles in this regard are transparency and equity. We require these monetization pathways to be clear, consistent, and auditable.

Outline your monetization models for the services you provide as a notary allocator pathway.

Fee Structure:

Application Review: A fee of 10% will be charged for processing and reviewing DataCap applications. This includes assessing the eligibility of the applicants, their business needs, and the rationality of their DataCap usage plans. Data Preparation: A 20% fee will be charged for assisting clients in preparing, formatting, and uploading data to the Filecoin network. Data Clearinghouse Allocation or Auditing: For managing data clearing and distribution, as well as auditing the storage performance and compliance of storage providers (SPs), a fee of 10% will be charged. Community Incentives: 10% of the revenue will be allocated for community incentives to encourage participation and contributions from community members. This may include rewarding those who actively participate in the project, provide useful feedback, or help improve services.

Describe your organization's structure, such as the legal entity and other business & market ventures.

TopBlocks was established and registered in California, USA in 2020, Filecoin miner and defi builer on FEVM Website: Facebook:

Where will accounting for fees be maintained?

These will be managed and regularly updated in a categorized manner on our organization's GitHub account.

If you've received DataCap allocation privileges before, please link to prior notary applications.

How are you connected to the Filecoin ecosystem? Describe your (or your organization's) Filecoin relationships, investments, or ownership.

Topblocks is one of the earliest miners and developers to participate in the Filecoin ecosystem. They have also been actively involved in various ecosystem developments, having been invited to attend conferences such as ESPA, DSPA, and Filecoin Singapore. Topblocks maintains contact with the Filecoin global community through Filecoin Slack and other Filecoin global community platforms.

How are you estimating your client demand and pathway usage? Do you have existing clients and an onboarding funnel?

We communicate with our clients to understand their data needs, asking them to provide relevant information. Through our own scoring strategy, we assess the scope of the client's business, the volume of data, and usage scenarios. This comprehensive scoring allows us to estimate the true amount of data required by the user. Our existing clients include EFILPlus (LDN1248), who wish to continue using our services for commercial data storage due to the low cost.