NateWebb03 / FilTestRepo

A test repository for allocator application automation
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Test app 1084 #1086

Open NateWebb03 opened 5 months ago

NateWebb03 commented 5 months ago

Notary Allocator Pathway Name:




Allocator's On-chain addresss:


Country of Operation:


Region(s) of operation:

Africa ,Asia minus GCR,Greater China,Europe,Oceania,Japan,North America,South America

Type of allocator: What is your overall diligence process? Automated (programmatic), Market-based, or Manual (human-in-the-loop at some phase). Initial allocations to these pathways will be capped.


Amount of DataCap Requested for allocator for 12 months:


Is your allocator providing a unique, new, or diverse pathway to DataCap? How does this allocator differentiate itself from other applicants, new or existing?

IPFS.CN was officially established in October 2017 and is the most influential and well-known IPFS Chinese community media globally. With a community of over 100,000 members, it is one of the earliest communities in China dedicated to promoting IPFS. Over the years, we have actively organized events worldwide to raise awareness of IPFS.

The allocator of IPFS.CN provides comprehensive, unique, diverse, and traceable pathways for DataCap distribution:

Innovative allocation strategy: We employ an innovative allocation strategy that differs from traditional methods. We consider multiple factors such as applicants' data requirements, storage providers' network quality, geographical location, etc. By comprehensively evaluating these factors, we can offer customized DataCap allocation plans for each applicant.

Novel technical support: We utilize the latest technical support to ensure efficient distribution and management of DataCap. Through advanced algorithms and systems, we can quickly respond to applicants' needs and make adjustments and optimizations based on real-world conditions.

Diverse allocation options: We provide various DataCap allocation options to meet the needs of different types of users. Whether they are enterprise users, individual users, or developers, we can provide corresponding DataCap quotas based on their specific requirements.

Transparency and fairness: We are committed to maintaining transparency and fairness. Our allocation process is open, allowing applicants to understand the basis and reasons for allocation decisions clearly. We have also established a feedback mechanism for applicants to provide opinions and suggestions, ensuring that our allocation process continues to improve and adapt to user needs.

As a member in the Filecoin Community, I acknowledge that I must adhere to the Community Code of Conduct, as well other End User License Agreements for accessing various tools and services, such as GitHub and Slack. Additionally, I will adhere to all local & regional laws & regulations that may relate to my role as a business partner, organization, notary, or other operating entity. * You can read the Filecoin Code of Conduct here:

Acknowledgment: Acknowledge

Cient Diligence Section:

This section pertains to client diligence processes.

Who are your target clients?

Small-scale developers or data owners,Enterprise Data Clients

Describe in as much detail as possible how you will perform due diligence on clients.

When conducting due diligence on clients, we implement a series of detailed steps to ensure their eligibility and reliability:

  1. Application form: Clients are required to fill out an application form provided by us, which includes basic personal or company information such as name, address, contact details, etc. This information serves as a starting point to help us understand the client's background.

  2. Contract signing: Once the client submits the application form, we request them to sign a contract that outlines the rights and responsibilities of both parties. The contract will include data usage guidelines, confidentiality agreements, and other relevant terms to ensure that the client has a clear understanding of and agrees to our service terms.

  3. Third-party collaboration: We may collaborate with third-party organizations for more in-depth due diligence. These partners could be reputable KYB (Know Your Business) companies or other relevant institutions that assist us in verifying the client's identity, background, and credibility. This collaboration provides more comprehensive and independent client background investigation results.

  4. On-site visits: For clients located in the same country as us, we may conduct on-site visits. This means we physically visit the client's office location to gain insights into their business operations, facilities, and team. On-site visits provide more tangible and authentic client information, ensuring that the client meets our requirements and standards.

Additionally, we employ advanced due diligence mechanisms to determine the client's eligibility. These mechanisms may include:

  1. Data verification: By integrating with public databases and information sources, we can verify the accuracy and authenticity of the information provided by the client. This can cover aspects such as company registration information, personal identity verification, financial records, etc.

  2. Risk assessment models: We can establish risk assessment models that utilize big data and machine learning technologies to analyze the client's credit risk. This can involve evaluating the client's eligibility and reliability automatically based on historical data, industry trends, and other relevant factors.

  3. Automated background checks: With the help of automated tools and algorithms, we can conduct background checks on clients. This may involve searching for publicly available information about the client on the internet, their social media activities, projects they have been involved in, etc., to gain a more comprehensive understanding.

Through these approaches, we can conduct due diligence more efficiently and ensure the eligibility and reliability of our clients. Additionally, we regularly review client information to ensure ongoing compliance with our requirements and standards.

Please specify how many questions you'll ask, and provide a brief overview of the questions.

When conducting due diligence, we typically ask a series of questions to gather detailed information from the client:

  1. Company Information:

    • Company name, registered address, and contact details
    • Date of establishment and legal status of the company
    • Names and contact details of company owners and management
    • Business sector and key products or services of the company
    • Market positioning and competitive advantages of the company
  2. Financial Information:

    • Financial status and financial statements of the company
    • Annual revenue and profit situation
    • Capital structure and investor information
  3. Legal and Compliance:

    • Legal status and registration documents of the company
    • Any involvement in litigation or legal disputes
    • Compliance requirements and policies in business operations
  4. Client Background:

    • Industry experience and background of the client
    • Company's development history and milestones
  5. Security and Privacy:

    • Data security and privacy protection measures of the client
    • Compliance with relevant regulations and standards
    • Solutions for data downloading and transmission

Additionally, we may ask specific questions related to data sourcing and collaboration:

  1. Data Sources: a. What sources do you plan to obtain data from? For example, public databases, data provided by partners, or proprietary data. b. Have you established any partnerships or relationships with relevant data suppliers or providers? c. How do you ensure the reliability and data quality of your data sources?

  2. Data Requests: a. What is the total amount of data you are requesting? What is the designated F1 address? b. Do you have any requirements for the storage duration of the data? c. Is the data retrievable for public?

  3. Data Preparation and Collaboration: a. Are you familiar with the process of data preparation, downloading, and distribution? Please describe the steps and requirements for data preparation. b. Do you need assistance from us? If so, please specify your specific questions or needs. c. Please provide a list of collaborating SPs.

Will you use a 3rd-party "Know your client" (KYC) service?

Yes, we may utilize third-party services for customer verification. KYC services are commonly used procedures to verify the identity of customers and conduct anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing checks to ensure compliance with relevant regulations and compliance requirements.

KYC services typically cover the following aspects and areas:

  1. Identity verification: Verifying customer identity information such as name, address, nationality, etc.

  2. Business verification: Validating the registered information, organizational structure, ownership structure, etc., of the business.

  3. Anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing checks: Conducting risk assessments and background checks to ensure customers are not involved in money laundering, terrorist financing, or other illegal activities.

  4. Regulatory compliance: Ensuring customers comply with applicable regulatory requirements and compliance standards.

Different countries have different information query websites and KYC service providers. We will select and collaborate with reputable KYC service providers to ensure the customer verification process is accurate, comprehensive, and compliant with regulatory requirements. When integrating data, we will ensure that data exchange and sharing with KYC service providers adhere to best practices for privacy and data protection.

Can any client apply to your pathway, or will you be closed to only your own internal clients? (eg: bizdev or self-referral)

Anyone can apply

How do you plan to track the rate at which DataCap is being distributed to your clients? and filplus-checker

Data Diligence

This section will cover the types of data that you expect to notarize.

As a reminder: The Filecoin Plus program defines quality data is all content that meets local regulatory requirements AND • the data owner wants to see on the network, including private/encrypted data • or is open and retrievable • or demonstrates proof of concept or utility of the network, such as efforts to improve onboarding

As an operating entity in the Filecoin Community, you are required to follow all local & regional regulations relating to any data, digital and otherwise. This may include PII and data deletion requirements, as well as the storing, transmitting, or accessing of data.

Acknowledgement: Acknowledge

What type(s) of data would be applicable for your pathway?

Public Open Dataset (Research/Non-Profit),Public Open Commercial/Enterprise

How will you verify a client's data ownership? Will you use 3rd-party KYB (know your business) service to verify enterprise clients?

The following are the steps to verify client data ownership:

  1. Document Verification: Request formal documents from the client, such as company registration certificates, business licenses, and other relevant legal documents to confirm the client's business entity and legal status.

  2. Source Confirmation: Ask the client to provide information regarding the data's generation or acquisition to demonstrate their legal access and ownership of the data. This may include contracts, licenses, authorization documents, or other legal documents.

  3. Internal Audit: Conduct an internal audit and investigation to ensure the consistency and authenticity of the information and documents provided by the client. This may involve further communication and verification with the client.

When utilizing third-party KYB services, we follow the following steps:

  1. Selecting a Suitable KYB Service Provider: Research and select a reliable third-party KYB service provider based on their reputation, available data sources, and service scope.

  2. Provide Required Client Information: Provide client information to the KYB service provider for verification and background checks.

  3. Receive KYB Report: The KYB service provider will generate a KYB report based on the provided client information, which includes information about the company's background, ownership structure, operational licenses, and compliance.

4.Analyze and Verify the Report: Carefully analyze the KYB report, verifying the client's authenticity and data ownership, and compare it with the information you have already collected.

How will you ensure the data meets local & regional legal requirements?

  1. Understanding Legal and Regulatory Requirements: We will thoroughly familiarize ourselves with relevant laws and regulations in our own jurisdiction as well as the jurisdiction where our clients operate. This may include data protection laws, privacy laws, security laws, intellectual property laws, and more. 2. Establishing Data Compliance Policies: Develop clear data compliance policies to ensure that employees are aware of and adhere to the relevant legal requirements. The policies should cover aspects such as data collection, storage, processing, transmission, and protection. 3. Seeking Legal Advice: Seek professional legal advice, especially in cases involving cross-border operations or sensitive data. 4. Data Classification and Labeling: Classify and label data to differentiate between sensitive and non-sensitive information. Take appropriate security measures to protect sensitive data, such as encryption, access controls, and more, in accordance with legal requirements. 5. Obtaining User Consent: When collecting personal and business data, ensure explicit consent from users and clearly inform them of the purpose and processing of their data. Follow applicable legal requirements, such as the "informed consent" principle in GDPR. 6. Data Security Measures: Implement appropriate technical and organizational security measures to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data. This may include access controls, encryption, firewalls, security audits, and more. 7. Data Storage and Transmission: Choose reliable data storage and transmission methods that comply with local and regional data protection requirements. If cross-border data transfers are involved, adhere to applicable data transfer regulations. 8. Monitoring and Auditing: Establish data monitoring and auditing mechanisms to regularly review and assess the compliance of data processing activities and take necessary corrective measures.

What types of data preparation will you support or require?

I use Singularity to generate CAR files. Additionally, I have developed my own management and distribution software.

What tools or methodology will you use to sample and verify the data aligns with your pathway?

  1. Data Retrieval and Sampling Tools: We use lassie fetch to retrieve data from clients and employ common data sampling methods such as random sampling or stratified sampling. 2. Data Comparison Tools: We compare the sampled data with metadata to analyze any potential sector misuse, using data validation and hash algorithms to assess if the data type and content match. 3. Establish Ongoing Monitoring: We retain each sampled data until the LDN concludes, enabling the establishment of regular monitoring mechanisms and a risk assessment system to promptly identify and address any misuse.

Data Distribution

This section covers deal-making and data distribution.

As a reminder, the Filecoin Plus program currently defines distributed onboarding as multiple physical locations AND multiple storage provider entities to serve client requirements.

Recommended Minimum: 3 locations, 4 to 5 storage providers, 5 copies

How many replicas will you require to meet programmatic requirements for distribution?


What geographic or regional distribution will you require?

Customers are distributed in three different continents, the number of SPs is more than 5, and the SPs come from three different companies

How many Storage Provider owner/operators will you require to meet programmatic requirements for distribution?


Do you require equal percentage distribution for your clients to their chosen SPs? Will you require preliminary SP distribution plans from the client before allocating any DataCap?

Yes, we will request an initial SP allocation plan and equal distribution.

What tooling will you use to verify client deal-making distribution? and bot

How will clients meet SP distribution requirements?

I use Singularity to generate CAR files and set up equal distribution to ensure data backup is done properly. Additionally, we utilize, CID Bot, and manual and automated retrieval to regularly check the data.

As an allocator, do you support clients that engage in deal-making with SPs utilizing a VPN?

We do not support clients using VPN. IPQualityScore is a useful product for detecting IP addresses, and it can be accessed at We are already proficient in using it.

DataCap Allocation Strategy

In this section, you will explain your client DataCap allocation strategy.

Keep in mind the program principle over Limited Trust Over Time. Parties, such as clients, start with a limited amount of trust and power. Additional trust and power need to be earned over time through good-faith execution of their responsibilities and transparency of their actions.

Will you use standardized DataCap allocations to clients?

Yes, standardized

Allocation Tranche Schedule to clients:

In the first round, the allocation is 512TB. In the second round, it is 1PB. In the third round, it is 2PB, with a maximum limit of 2PB.   The total allocation for clients should not exceed 15PiB, and the allocation for a single instance should not exceed 2PiB.

Will you use programmatic or software based allocations?

Yes, standardized and software based

What tooling will you use to construct messages and send allocations to clients?

Describe the process for granting additional DataCap to previously verified clients.

We will use the Filplus program to grant DataCap to clients. The filplus-ssa-bot will monitor the remaining DataCap and trigger subsequent allocation requests. Only when more than 75% of the DataCap is utilized will the next round of allocation requests be triggered. Then, we will approve the DataCap for the clients.

Tooling & Bookkeeping

This program relies on many software tools in order to function. The Filecoin Foundation and PL have invested in many different elements of this end-to-end process, and will continue to make those tools open-sourced. Our goal is to increase adoption, and we will balance customization with efficiency.

This section will cover the various UX/UI tools for your pathway. You should think high-level (GitHub repo architecture) as well as tactical (specific bots and API endoints).

Describe in as much detail as possible the tools used for: • client discoverability & applications • due diligence & investigation • bookkeeping • on-chain message construction • client deal-making behavior • tracking overall allocator health • dispute discussion & resolution • community updates & comms

Discovering and managing applications: We utilize GitHub for discovering and managing application workflows.   Investigation and due diligence: Background investigation tools (LexisNexis) for conducting customer background and reputation checks; survey software (SurveyMonkey) to collect customer feedback and opinions. For VPN detection, we rely on IPQualityScore for comprehensive checks.   Maintaining financial records: Microsoft Excel.   Building on-chain messages: and Ledger.   Monitoring customer transactions: and bot for tracking and monitoring customer transaction behavior.   Resolving disputes: Slack and GitHub serve as the primary forums for dispute discussions and resolutions.   Community engagement and updates: For community engagement and updates, we use Slack and GitHub, and we disseminate newsletters and updates through Twitter and Medium.

Will you use open-source tooling from the Fil+ team?

Yes, we use the open-source tools provided by the FIL+ team: Technical processing: We use Singularity. Building messages: We use for building messages. Checking client allocations: We use SSABot.

Where will you keep your records for bookkeeping? How will you maintain transparency in your allocation decisions?

Bookkeeping records are primarily stored in GitHub, including client applications, client basic information, total allocated DataCap, and significant decisions. Additionally, dispute resolutions will also take place on GitHub.

Regarding private emails, direct messages on Slack, phone conferences, etc., when disputes occur, we will synchronize private information with the governance team.

Risk Mitigation, Auditing, Compliance

This framework ensures the responsible allocation of DataCap by conducting regular audits, enforcing strict compliance checks, and requiring allocators to maintain transparency and engage with the community. This approach safeguards the ecosystem, deters misuse, and upholds the commitment to a fair and accountable storage marketplace.

In addition to setting their own rules, each notary allocator will be responsible for managing compliance within their own pathway. You will need to audit your own clients, manage interventions (such as removing DataCap from clients and keeping records), and respond to disputes.

Describe your proposed compliance check mechanisms for your own clients.

Checking mechanism:

  1. Due diligence and trust assessment: For new customers, we conduct comprehensive due diligence to verify their identity and legitimacy. We verify our clients' business registration, financial status, and data processing practices. We evaluate our customers' trustworthiness and legality of their data storage needs. For high-risk customers, we will require additional due diligence.

  2. DataCap distribution tracking: We use tools such as and CID checker to track and monitor DataCap distribution. These tools help us track stored CIDs to ensure that DataCap allocations are consistent with stored data. We closely monitor, report, and discuss metrics such as allocation frequency, DataCap size per allocation, and client request frequency.

  3. Customer tracking: We use tools such as Retrievability Bot to track customers’ downstream usage. These tools help ensure that stored data is retrievable and conforms to DataCap's intended use.

  4. Transparency and Community Engagement: We maintain transparency and share operations and decisions related to DataCap allocations with the community. We regularly share updates and summaries of our activities with the community through channels such as GitHub. We have a low tolerance for violations because we are committed to maintaining the integrity and fairness of the storage market.

Regarding new customers, we will conduct detailed due diligence on new customers to verify their identity and the legitimacy of their application. And adopt a gradual expansion method, allocating DataCap starting with a small amount and then gradually increasing. We will implement a comprehensive compliance checking mechanism to ensure that the use of DataCap is effectively managed and monitored. We continuously monitor all customers, especially new customers, and our tolerance level will only increase once they become customers with a reputation in the community.

Describe your process for handling disputes. Highlight response times, transparency, and accountability mechanisms.

For DataCap allocation disputes, here is our process for handling disputes, emphasizing response time, transparency, and accountability:

  1. Response Time: Once notified of a Distribution Dispute by DataCap, we will immediately initiate the processing process. We will follow up and respond to disputes within 24 hours to ensure timely resolution. We will endeavor to investigate and resolve disputes as quickly as possible and respond within a reasonable time frame.

  2. Transparency: We take transparency very seriously. During the process of handling the dispute, we will actively communicate with all relevant parties and provide detailed explanations and information. This record information will be recorded in GitHub, which can ensure that the dispute handling process and decision-making are open and transparent.

  3. Accountability mechanism: We have established a clear accountability mechanism to ensure that disputes are properly handled. We will conduct a comprehensive and objective assessment of the dispute and take appropriate measures to resolve the dispute. If any errors or misjudgments are discovered, we will assume the appropriate responsibility and take corrective measures.

  4. Guidance from the Fil+ Governance Team: We welcome guidance and advice from the Fil+ Governance Team and other notaries regarding DataCap allocation disputes. We will actively work with the Fil+ governance team to ensure that disputes are resolved fairly and objectively. We will follow the rules and decisions of the Fil+ governance team and respect their authority.

Detail how you will announce updates to tooling, pathway guidelines, parameters, and process alterations.

To announce updates to tools, pathway guidance, parameters, and process changes, we will be taking the following steps: 1. Announcement: We will issue announcements to all relevant parties through Slack’s public channel to announce changes to tools, approach guides, parameters and processes. And we will provide detailed instructions on GitHub to explain the reason, purpose and impact of changes to tools, path guides, parameters and processes. 2. Training meeting communication: For updates, we will provide training and support to help users adapt to the changes. This can include online training courses, video tutorials, online Q&A sessions, etc. I will mainly use the zoom tool. 3. Involvement of the Fil+ Governance Team: For situations involving significant procedural changes or updates, we will communicate and consult with the Fil+ Governance Team. They will be involved in assessing the scope and impact of the changes and will be evaluated against a scoring rubric.

How long will you allow the community to provide feedback before implementing changes?

  1. Before implementing changes, we will actively interact with community members and give community members enough time to understand the details of the changes and provide feedback, which will take about 1-3 months.

The more significant the update, the longer it will take. Not all updates will be implemented and we need agreement from the community and governance teams.

  1. Suggest multiple feedback channels: We will provide multiple feedback channels so that community members can express their opinions and suggestions in various ways. This can include online feedback forms, email feedback, github proposal feedback, and slack discussion feedback, as well as organizing online or offline meetings, workshops, or surveys so that community members can exchange opinions and suggestions face-to-face.

  2. Fully respect the opinions of the FIL+ team: the more significant the update, the longer the community discussion. Not all updates will be implemented, we need the consent of the community and governance team.

Regarding security, how will you structure and secure the on-chain notary address? If you will utilize a multisig, how will it be structured? Who will have administrative & signatory rights?

Securing my notary address using Ledger build. I am responsible for the management and signing rights. I am the core employee and co-founder of IPFSCN, Nic.

Will you deploy smart contracts for program or policy procedures? If so, how will you track and fund them?

We plan to use FIL+’s open source tools, such as fillus-saa-bot, AC bot, CID inspection robot and retrieval robot.


While the Filecoin Foundation and PL will continue to make investments into developing the program and open-sourcing tools, we are also striving to expand and encourage high levels of service and professionalism through these new Notary Allocator pathways. These pathways require increasingly complex tooling and auditing platforms, and we understand that Notaries (and the teams and organizations responsible) are making investments into building effective systems.

It is reasonable for teams building services in this marketplace to include monetization structures. Our primary guiding principles in this regard are transparency and equity. We require these monetization pathways to be clear, consistent, and auditable.

Outline your monetization models for the services you provide as a notary allocator pathway.

The price is 3000U/P, which can cover the cost of the company’s DC team. We don’t expect to gain revenue through DC, so we won’t set a high price. In addition, if we meet large enterprise-level customers, in order to allow them to store more data on the Filecoin network, we are willing to provide them with subsidies. In addition to helping them store data for free, we will also bear all data download costs. Hardware costs, mailing costs, broadband costs, etc. will even subsidize them another 1,000U/P.

Describe your organization's structure, such as the legal entity and other business & market ventures.

IPFS.CN (IPFS China Community), officially established in October 2017, is the most influential and well-known IPFS Chinese community media in the world, with a community of over 100,000 people, and is one of the first groups of communities dedicated to IPFS evangelism in China. In December 2021, Response to the trend and national call, IPFS.CN officially changed its name to IPFS Metaverse Community.We will deeply analyze the core values of IPFS & Filecoin, Web3.0, Metaverse and other related fields, and build a complete ecology from IPFS to Metaverse. IPFS Metaverse Community is committed to building a global IPFS ecological community, providing IPFS and Filecoin industry information, trend insights, in-depth reports, project incubation, mining pool development and other services for IPFS enthusiasts. In May 2021, IPFS Metaverse Community (formerly IPFS.CN) As a community partner of the Filecoin Grant online hackathon, assisted the developer platform Dorahacks with an online hackathon that lasted nearly two and a half months. In addition, on May 31, 2021, IPFS Metaverse Community (formerly IPFS.CN) & Rhythm BlockBeats jointly launched the first podcast in the field of distributed storage - IPFS Enthusiasts Speak. It is the first podcast in the field of distributed storage in China. In July 2021, 『IPFS.CN AMA』 was officially launched, dedicated to the content around IPFS & Filecoin ecology, and regularly invites value projects in the blockchain field to discuss the industry focus and future pattern together. After the launch of this column, many famous partners including :Seedao, celer, polygon, Near, Dapper, Chainlink, DoraHacks, FILSWAN... The IPFS Metaverse Community is also one of the builders of Filecoin, and we have led a number of developers in the community, giving them technical support assistance. One of these developers has participated in many Filecoin hackathon competitions and has achieved excellent results. Links: - - - - - - -

Where will accounting for fees be maintained?

We use USDT to collect payments, including the mechanism of staking, burning or releasing funds, which will be carefully maintained on the chain.

If you've received DataCap allocation privileges before, please link to prior notary applications.

How are you connected to the Filecoin ecosystem? Describe your (or your organization's) Filecoin relationships, investments, or ownership.

As early builders of Filecoin, we have received investment from STCloud. Additionally, we have also invested in individual Filecoin builders and teams.

How are you estimating your client demand and pathway usage? Do you have existing clients and an onboarding funnel?

Over the years, many people have joined the Filecoin ecosystem under our influence. Despite our diversification, with main projects including Filecoin, Chia, Aleo, ICP, and SMH, as early builders of Filecoin, we still possess many core resources. Therefore, we are applying for 50P of DataCap. Although the quantity may not be large, it can be fully utilized by just two partners. When it comes to customer onboarding, we primarily rely on influence and networking to establish connections with many individuals.