NateWebb03 / FilTestRepo

A test repository for allocator application automation
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Test app 1088 #1091

Open NateWebb03 opened 5 months ago

NateWebb03 commented 5 months ago

Notary Allocator Pathway Name:

Power Meta Corp


Power Meta Corp

Allocator's On-chain addresss:


Country of Operation:

United States

Region(s) of operation:

North America

Type of allocator: What is your overall diligence process? Automated (programmatic), Market-based, or Manual (human-in-the-loop at some phase). Initial allocations to these pathways will be capped.


Amount of DataCap Requested for allocator for 12 months:

30 PiB

Is your allocator providing a unique, new, or diverse pathway to DataCap? How does this allocator differentiate itself from other applicants, new or existing?

Although Power Meta Corp. does not provide any new or unique pathways to Datacap, Power Meta Corp. differentiates itself from other applicants by conducting comprehensive data reviews to adhere to any laws when evaluating and storing any data request within the Filecoin ecosystem. We conduct an extensive investigation within the dataset to follow the Filecoin Plus guidelines. We use exploratory data analysis and sampling techniques to explore the dataset in its entirety to ensure legitimacy and accuracy while abiding by Filecoin’s standards. After examining the storage providers and Within this application, we detail how we conduct our data reviews.

As a member in the Filecoin Community, I acknowledge that I must adhere to the Community Code of Conduct, as well other End User License Agreements for accessing various tools and services, such as GitHub and Slack. Additionally, I will adhere to all local & regional laws & regulations that may relate to my role as a business partner, organization, notary, or other operating entity. * You can read the Filecoin Code of Conduct here:

Acknowledgment: Acknowledge

Cient Diligence Section:

This section pertains to client diligence processes.

Who are your target clients?

Individuals learning about Filecoin,Small-scale developers or data owners,Enterprise Data Clients,Other (specified above)

Describe in as much detail as possible how you will perform due diligence on clients.

Due diligence checks are upheld to the utmost standard at Power Meta Corp. Our process can be simplified to three key steps.

1: A Comprehensive Data Review

2: Identifying Storage Providers

3: KYC Process

We first review the data to ensure its integrity by evaluating it on several characteristics such as general compliance, ownership, public disclosure, copyright, and more. After we review all the data, we require clients to provide all storage providers’ addresses to ensure they’re compliant with our standards based on the Filecoin guidelines in terms of retrievability and diverse geolocation. Once a thorough review of the data and their storage providers is conducted, we examine the results of the KYB/KYC process where we then ask the client to complete a supplementary questionnaire to further gain insight in regards to their storage request. Once completion of our initial check, we add the client’s request to our CRM (via Google Spreadsheets) where we keep track of key information such as the requested amount of DataCap, Storage Provider information, any ongoing status items, and other details. This CRM allows us to continually manage and check in on any ongoing requests to ensure Datacap allocation is being used as intended and all issues that arise are dealt with.

Please specify how many questions you'll ask, and provide a brief overview of the questions.

We ask around 30 questions where we ask questions regarding who the DataCap applicant is and their relation to the Project, general Project details, the Organization’s details, a description of the data, how the data was prepared, how frequently they plan to retrieve the data, how long the data will be stored, and the geographic distribution of the data are all relevant question topics.

Will you use a 3rd-party "Know your client" (KYC) service?

Power Meta Corp will enable a 3rd-party KYB/KYC service through as an additional measure to verify the client’s dataset’s integrity. For private or enterprise data, they will also need to provide identification such as proof of license or other documentation to validate legitimacy.

Can any client apply to your pathway, or will you be closed to only your own internal clients? (eg: bizdev or self-referral)

Any client is welcome to work with us and we do not provide any “white label” services to ensure objectivity within the Filecoin Ecosystem.

How do you plan to track the rate at which DataCap is being distributed to your clients?

Power Meta Corp will use open-source tools provided by Filecoin to track datacap distribution. Also through our own KYC/KYB process, determine the historical usage of datacap within the client’s previous Filecoin history. In addition, we have developed our own CRM (via Google Spreadsheets) that will enable us to keep track of previously allocated DataCap and allow us to stay on top of any status items occurring with any request.

Data Diligence

This section will cover the types of data that you expect to notarize.

As a reminder: The Filecoin Plus program defines quality data is all content that meets local regulatory requirements AND • the data owner wants to see on the network, including private/encrypted data • or is open and retrievable • or demonstrates proof of concept or utility of the network, such as efforts to improve onboarding

As an operating entity in the Filecoin Community, you are required to follow all local & regional regulations relating to any data, digital and otherwise. This may include PII and data deletion requirements, as well as the storing, transmitting, or accessing of data.

Acknowledgement: Acknowledge

What type(s) of data would be applicable for your pathway?

Public Open Dataset (Research/Non-Profit),Public Open Commercial/Enterprise,Private Commercial/Enterprise,Private Non-Profit/Social Impact,Other (specified elsewhere)

How will you verify a client's data ownership? Will you use 3rd-party KYB (know your business) service to verify enterprise clients?

As mentioned earlier, Power Meta Corp. prides itself on conducting comprehensive data reviews to adhere to any laws when evaluating and storing any data request within the Filecoin ecosystem. We will first identify the client to verify the entity owns the data through license verification and looking for any watermarks within the data. will be used as an additional 3rd-party KYB service that we deploy on top of our own KYB/KYC questionnaire.

How will you ensure the data meets local & regional legal requirements?

We ask that clients’ data and storage requests comply with their respective legal requirements before submitting a Datacap Request. When conducting our data review and KYC process, we will first identify the location of the client/storage providers and verify the legal requirements on a local and regional level. After identifying the location of the data and where the data would be stored, we will conduct our due diligence to make sure we are abiding by the legal framework within the countries involved. Our general guidelines prevent us from accepting any data that can be considered illegal or inadmissible by most countries. After conducting our data review with data sampling and upon approval of our own KYB/KYC process, we ask that clients encrypt their data. We will deny any applications that do not meet the legal requirements and will assist clients depending on the severity of the issue to ensure they meet any legal standards outlined by their respective countries.

What types of data preparation will you support or require?

Although we’re not a data preparer, we can provide data prechecks to ensure their data can be properly onboarded as well as pass any verifications needed to be approved for Datacap.

What tools or methodology will you use to sample and verify the data aligns with your pathway?

We will conduct two data checks as a measure to ensure the data aligns with our pathway. The first occurs before DataCap approval where customers are required to provide the data download path for conducting sample checks on the data. The second will occur post-encapsulation where we will randomly retrieve data from customer nodes for sample checks on the data.

Data Distribution

This section covers deal-making and data distribution.

As a reminder, the Filecoin Plus program currently defines distributed onboarding as multiple physical locations AND multiple storage provider entities to serve client requirements.

Recommended Minimum: 3 locations, 4 to 5 storage providers, 5 copies

How many replicas will you require to meet programmatic requirements for distribution?


What geographic or regional distribution will you require?

Depending on the application (ie. LDN or EFIL+), we will have separate requirements. For LDN, we prefer 5 physical locations, but the minimum is at least 4 physical locations. For EFIL+, we require at least 2 physical locations as outlined within their original storage request. We will only exclude certain geopolitical regions in accordance with any local or regional law that prevents the storage of the client's data on a case-by-case basis as deemed necessary within our KYB/KYC process.

How many Storage Provider owner/operators will you require to meet programmatic requirements for distribution?


Do you require equal percentage distribution for your clients to their chosen SPs? Will you require preliminary SP distribution plans from the client before allocating any DataCap?

We prefer to distribute Datacap equally to all chosen Storage Providers to ensure equal opportunity for Datacap and to provide an incentive to bolster the strength of the Filecoin Network. Unless otherwise noted or requested by the client, we can make exceptions in distributing the Datacap as outlined by the client’s wishes as long as it abides by Filecoin’s Guidelines. Clients are required to outline their own distribution plan if they prefer to distribute Datacap into different percentages.

What tooling will you use to verify client deal-making distribution?

In order to verify client deal-making distribution, we will analyze the allocation status and transaction proposal information of Datacap for a client address through as well as the CID checker bot.

How will clients meet SP distribution requirements?

We will abide by the allocation scheme for II+ LDN that can be found on github ( For clients who are requesting Datacap for data that exceeds 100 TiB, we recommend that the clients abide by Filecoin’s best practices for storing large datasets. The client will ideally store the data within three or more regions, with four or more storage providers, and maintain at least five copies of the dataset. A single Storage Provider should not store more than one copy, and if data cannot leave a specific geographic boundary, replication is expected to occur in different locations. Each storage provider should not exceed 30% of the total data cap allocated for clients, and storage providers should disclose their public IP addresses.

As an allocator, do you support clients that engage in deal-making with SPs utilizing a VPN?

Our clients can use VPNs as long as they are not intentionally using VPNs to mask fraudulent activities. When abuse of their VPN usage is suspected, the burden of proof is shared by the respective storage provider and collaborating applicant. Through our own KYB/KYC process, we require storage providers to provide proof of their company and location to prevent intentional hiding of location or identity using Virtual Private Networks (VPN). This also ensures that the data is not encapsulated in data centers outside of specific regions. is supported for security purposes, which also aligns with the idea of web3.

DataCap Allocation Strategy

In this section, you will explain your client DataCap allocation strategy.

Keep in mind the program principle over Limited Trust Over Time. Parties, such as clients, start with a limited amount of trust and power. Additional trust and power need to be earned over time through good-faith execution of their responsibilities and transparency of their actions.

Will you use standardized DataCap allocations to clients?

Yes, standardized

Allocation Tranche Schedule to clients:

Power Meta Crop will follow the existing allocation guidelines: First Allocation: 5% of the requested DataCap total or 50% of the weekly allocation rate, whichever is smaller. Second Allocation: 10% of the requested DataCap total or 100% of the weekly allocation rate, whichever is smaller. Third Allocation: 20% of the requested DataCap total or 200% of the weekly allocation rate, whichever is smaller. Fourth Allocation: 40% of the requested DataCap total or 400% of the weekly allocation rate, whichever is smaller. Subsequent Allocations: 80% of the requested DataCap total or 800% of the weekly allocation rate, whichever is smaller.

Will you use programmatic or software based allocations?

Yes, standardized and software based

What tooling will you use to construct messages and send allocations to clients?

We will utilize the existing notary registry tooling made available through Filecoin at

Describe the process for granting additional DataCap to previously verified clients.

With Power Meta Corp.’s extensive data reviews and our KYB/KYC verification, we have established our own CRM Database that effectively tracks previous Datacap requests. Information such as their Filecoin addresses, previous Datacap requests, and historical evaluations of data samples will be used to establish a baseline status of how reputable a client is. This allows us to keep track of bad actors who repeatedly continue to violate Filecoin’s guidelines. Once a previously verified client makes a new storage request, we will continue with our process of conducting an extensive data review, identifying storage providers, and examining their KYB/KYC verification with our survey completion. Since they are a previous client, they should have no difficulty completing our previous checks.

Tooling & Bookkeeping

This program relies on many software tools in order to function. The Filecoin Foundation and PL have invested in many different elements of this end-to-end process, and will continue to make those tools open-sourced. Our goal is to increase adoption, and we will balance customization with efficiency.

This section will cover the various UX/UI tools for your pathway. You should think high-level (GitHub repo architecture) as well as tactical (specific bots and API endoints).

Describe in as much detail as possible the tools used for: • client discoverability & applications • due diligence & investigation • bookkeeping • on-chain message construction • client deal-making behavior • tracking overall allocator health • dispute discussion & resolution • community updates & comms

We will use the following tools:

Will you use open-source tooling from the Fil+ team?

Yes, we will utilize the majority of the open-source tooling provided by the Fil+ team. These tools include: Google Spreadsheet, Github, , and bots such as the Filplus Checker bot, AC bot, and Large Datacap requests bot.

Where will you keep your records for bookkeeping? How will you maintain transparency in your allocation decisions?

We will utilize Github ( to post any official public records involving Datacap Requests/Communications made by data clients as long as the information is not sensitive to the data client’s privacy. We will be using Github to communicate publicly by commenting on any issues raised. Email methods will be used mainly to communicate with data clients if sensitive information is involved or to communicate/clarify any issues that arise in the process.

Risk Mitigation, Auditing, Compliance

This framework ensures the responsible allocation of DataCap by conducting regular audits, enforcing strict compliance checks, and requiring allocators to maintain transparency and engage with the community. This approach safeguards the ecosystem, deters misuse, and upholds the commitment to a fair and accountable storage marketplace.

In addition to setting their own rules, each notary allocator will be responsible for managing compliance within their own pathway. You will need to audit your own clients, manage interventions (such as removing DataCap from clients and keeping records), and respond to disputes.

Describe your proposed compliance check mechanisms for your own clients.

We will review the status of all current DataCap distributions using our CRM of all Datacap requests in order to evaluate the proper usage of all Datacap used by our clients. We will be using the tools mentioned previously such as Google Spreadsheets, CID Checker bot, time metrics, trust evaluations, and regular check-ins to ensure the proper usage of DataCap. Any violations made by clients will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis and will be reported swiftly to the Filecoin Community.

Describe your process for handling disputes. Highlight response times, transparency, and accountability mechanisms.

In terms of handing any disputes, our team utilizes the T&T Dispute Tracker ( and our CRM to evaluate the status of all client's ongoing Datacap requests. We use both the T&T Dispute Tracker our CRM (via Google spreadsheets) to post and track any disputes that do arise and have a strict policy of responding to any updates within 48 hours on Github/Slack. We take pride in valuing our clients and remaining vigilant in responding to all disputes in ensuring that Filecoin’s guidelines are upheld. If any issues arise, we will act accordingly on a case-by-case basis and remove DataCap if necessary.

Detail how you will announce updates to tooling, pathway guidelines, parameters, and process alterations.

Power Meta Corp. will utilize both Slack and Github to make any announcements. Any major process alterations that affect our global processes will also be announced on social media as well as our newsletter.

How long will you allow the community to provide feedback before implementing changes?

Depending on the severity and level of importance of the change, we will wait a minimum of one week to make changes. With more complex issues, the timeframe of implementing changes will vary as we work with the larger Filecoin community.

Regarding security, how will you structure and secure the on-chain notary address? If you will utilize a multisig, how will it be structured? Who will have administrative & signatory rights?

The on-chain notary address will be protected through the use of a ledger wallet where only the appointed ledger holders will have the ability to sign on.

Will you deploy smart contracts for program or policy procedures? If so, how will you track and fund them?

No, we will not deploy smart contracts for program or policy procedures.


While the Filecoin Foundation and PL will continue to make investments into developing the program and open-sourcing tools, we are also striving to expand and encourage high levels of service and professionalism through these new Notary Allocator pathways. These pathways require increasingly complex tooling and auditing platforms, and we understand that Notaries (and the teams and organizations responsible) are making investments into building effective systems.

It is reasonable for teams building services in this marketplace to include monetization structures. Our primary guiding principles in this regard are transparency and equity. We require these monetization pathways to be clear, consistent, and auditable.

Outline your monetization models for the services you provide as a notary allocator pathway.

We do not have any plans to monetize our current ventures as a Notary. We only seek to become a Notary to maintain the standards of the Filecoin community and ensure a safe environment of decentralized data storage. As a decentralized data storage provider through our Vaultnode services, we know how important it is to maintain community standards of the Filecoin ecosystem to ensure more individuals are attracted to allocating data storage from traditional Web 2.0 models to Web 3.0.

Describe your organization's structure, such as the legal entity and other business & market ventures.

Power Meta Corp. is a Web 3.0 technology conglomerate that specializes in decentralized data storage solutions for data disaster recovery within the Filecoin blockchain. We offer a wide range of decentralized data storage solutions such as decentralized data storage (Vaultnode), cloud mining (Ararat Global), and cloud computing (Podwise). Learn more about Power Meta through our website

Where will accounting for fees be maintained?

There will be no accounting fees for our notary service.

If you've received DataCap allocation privileges before, please link to prior notary applications.

No, we have not received DataCap allocation privileges before.

How are you connected to the Filecoin ecosystem? Describe your (or your organization's) Filecoin relationships, investments, or ownership.

Power Meta Corp. offers decentralized data storage solutions for disaster data recovery based on the Filecoin blockchain. We operate a storage provider for disaster recovery within the US that offers a wide variety of decentralized data storage solutions. We offer decentralized data storage (Vaultnode) and cloud mining (Ararat Global) which are based on the Filecoin Blockchain. We have stored over 35 PiB’s of data with FIL+. We also have optimized storage devices that have a combined capacity of 400 PiB within the U.S. alone. As far as are community involvement, our CEO Andromeda has delivered a Keynote Speech at the Web3 Festival in Hong Kong We have even hosted community events within Orange County to educate crypto enthusiasts about the Filecoin ecosystem. Additionally, we have assisted Protocol Labs with data onboarding with Jason Cihelka’s team.

How are you estimating your client demand and pathway usage? Do you have existing clients and an onboarding funnel?

We are a data infrastructure company that provides decentralized data storage solutions with an emphasis on disaster recovery. Our clients approach us through our multiple business ventures within the Filecoin ecosystem to provide decentralized data storage and disaster recovery solutions. Through our partnerships with our clients, we refer these entities to apply for Datacap by referencing the Fil+ program. Although we do not provide a white-label service, we are happy to refer clients to other notaries or the Filecoin community at large to apply for DataCap.