NateWr / restaurant-reservations

WordPress plugin to accept restaurant reservations online
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Reservations just for Mail-Notification (not in WP-Database) #120

Closed pss77 closed 7 years ago

pss77 commented 7 years ago

Hello NateWr,

i had installed the Reservations-Plugin, great tool, thanks!

I only need the Reservation-Plugin for Booking-Request by E-Mail - the rest i handle manually! (I dont need the Request in the WP-Database).

Can you give me an advice or write a little plugin to stop or pass over the public function "insert_post_data()" in the file "Booking.class.php". I am not such a PHP-Profi :)

You know, what I mean?

Greetings Pete

NateWr commented 7 years ago

Hi Pete, sorry for the delay in responding. I'm just seeing this now. I believe you reached out through another channel and we discussed this there. In short, it's just not really possible to get the functionality of the plugin without writing to the database. Even the email notifications are tied to the database writing operations, so you'd basically need to rewrite major chunks of the plugin.