Nathan-Lovell / DataScience-Nathan-Lovell

DataScience-Nathan-Lovell created by GitHub Classroom
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p02 peer review summary #1

Open blubetkin opened 4 years ago

blubetkin commented 4 years ago
  1. For the second Data Source, maybe a head to see it in action, but it all looks good!
  2. For the model, I would be curious if there would be anything else to influence the reviews. Maybe show a model with the others that could be whittled down if need be? It looks really good, though!
  3. The code looks very good! I like how succinct it is. Could you teach me your ways?
  4. You connect your visualization and words very well! My only question is what exactly your hypothesis is? I'm guessing that it is that verified purchases do leave better reviews, but I'm just making sure.
  5. Your critical thinking is superior! Maybe a little summary at the end, but other than that I could follow it all very well and it got me thinking about how verified purchases most likely do effect how the reviews go.
  6. I am excited to see the avenues that come up in deliverable 3! After you DM'd me this assignment I feel a deep, personal connection to your project. Maybe explore if something else could also change the review scores (like how many people found it helpful?) I would be interested to see if it did! To sum it all up: Yo, this is really cool! I actually thought about having something like this in my project, but I couldn't fully figure it out. This is inspiring, uplifting, two thumbs up! -Ben Lubetkin