NathanAP / vue-google-maps-community-fork

The community fork for Vue Google Maps library
MIT License
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documented way to catch events doesn't work #100

Open sdetweil opened 1 month ago

sdetweil commented 1 month ago

the example here on how to 'watch' the ref on the map object doesn't produce any events

sdetweil commented 1 month ago

this is the way that does work , 'myMapRef' matches the ref= on the GMapMap tag

 <GMapMap  ref="myMapRef" :center="currentMapCenter" :zoom="zoomLevel" map-type-id="terrain" :options="mapOptions"

(I save the returned listener handle to an array (this.listeners) for cleanup on exit)

mounted(){ = await this.$refs.myMapRef.$mapPromise;

        this.listeners.push("center_changed", () => {
            // 3 seconds after the center of the map has changed, pan back to the
            // marker.
            console.log("new center ="+JSON.stringify(
        this.listeners.push("bounds_changed", () => {
            // 3 seconds after the center of the map has changed, pan back to the
            // marker.
            console.log("new bounds =" + JSON.stringify(
        this.listeners.push("zoom_changed", () => {
            // 3 seconds after the center of the map has changed, pan back to the
            // marker.
            console.log("new zoom =" + JSON.stringify(