NathanVaughn / webtrees-docker

Up-to-date Docker image for webtrees with all the bells and whistles.
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media volume mounted incorrectely #120

Closed baloan closed 1 year ago

baloan commented 1 year ago

The media volume sits at image in my instance, so the media mount defined in the docker-compose.yml is never used. All media is written to /var/www/webtrees/data/media. Is this intentional? Not sure whether I can change the media directory to the path recommended in the docker manual at all. Here is an excerpt from the volume definiton from

      - data:/var/www/webtrees/data/
      - media:/var/www/webtrees/media/
      - themes:/var/www/webtrees/modules_v4/
NathanVaughn commented 1 year ago

This seems correct. With the .. in there, it resolves to /var/www/webtrees/data/media/. That's covered under /var/www/webtrees/data so it gets saved. You really want to save the whole /var/www/webtrees/data directory, since that's where the config.ini.php file is written to that saves database information and other site settings.

I'll be honest, I have no idea what webtrees sticks on the /var/www/webtrees/media folder. My personal instance has nothing in it. It sounds important, hence why I recommend making sure it's a saved volume.