NathanVaughn / webtrees-docker

Up-to-date Docker image for webtrees with all the bells and whistles.
MIT License
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Login #57

Closed ExarchD closed 3 years ago

ExarchD commented 3 years ago

I can't seem to figure out how to login to the default account. It seems like there's no account creation page to go to if there's not a default.

NathanVaughn commented 3 years ago

If you set all the following environment variables:

then an account will be created with the username defined by WT_USER and the password defined by WT_PASS. Otherwise, you'll be sent to the setup wizard page like so: image (using this Docker compose):

version: "3"

      - db
      PRETTY_URLS: "1"
      LANG: "en-US"
      BASE_URL: "http://localhost:80/"
      DB_TYPE: "mysql"
      DB_HOST: "db"
      DB_PORT: "3306"
      DB_USER: "webtrees"
      DB_PASS: "badpassword"
      DB_NAME: "webtrees"
      DB_PREFIX: "wt_"
      - 80:80
      - 443:443
    restart: unless-stopped
      - app_data:/var/www/webtrees/data/
      - app_media:/var/www/webtrees/media/

      MYSQL_DATABASE: "webtrees"
      MYSQL_USER: "webtrees"
      MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: "badpassword"
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: "badpassword"
    image: mariadb:latest
    restart: unless-stopped
      - db_data:/var/lib/mysql

    driver: local
    driver: local
    driver: local

This is only in effect the first time you launch the container, and there is no default account. If you haven't filled out the environment variables and you're not getting the setup page, then most likely you already have the file data/config.ini.php in your container, or data already exists in your database and you'll need to clear this out and try again.

NathanVaughn commented 3 years ago

Also, if you post some of your Docker output log, that would helpful. Example:

app_1  | [NV_INIT] Setting folder permissions for uploads
app_1  | [NV_INIT] Attempting to automate setup wizard
app_1  | [NV_INIT] Config file NOT found
app_1  | [NV_INIT] Not all variables required for setup wizard present
app_1  | [NV_INIT] Attempting to set pretty URLs status
app_1  | [NV_INIT] Config file NOT found, please setup webtrees
app_1  | [NV_INIT] Attempting to set HTTPS status
app_1  | [NV_INIT] Removing HTTPS support
app_1  | Site webtrees-ssl already disabled
app_1  | Site webtrees-redir already disabled
app_1  | Enabling site webtrees.
app_1  | To activate the new configuration, you need to run:
app_1  |   service apache2 reload
app_1  | [NV_INIT] Starting Apache
NathanVaughn commented 3 years ago

I'm closing this with 10 days of inactivity.