NathanWalker / angular-seed-advanced

Advanced Angular seed project with support for ngrx/store, ngrx/effects, ngx-translate, angulartics2, lodash, NativeScript (*native* mobile), Electron (Mac, Windows and Linux desktop) and more.
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Adding dependencies for electron help #382

Open mikezoss opened 7 years ago

mikezoss commented 7 years ago

I'm submitting a ...

[X] bug report

Current behavior I'm following these guides:

Expected behavior I need "glob.js" ( in my home.component.ts for electron. I'm on Windows 10 x64 and everytime the task (npm run copy node_modules in dist>dev but it doesn't work. Can you try and fix this bug?

An extract of my project.config.ts:


    // Add `NPM` third-party libraries to be injected/bundled.
      // {src: 'jquery/dist/jquery.min.js', inject: 'libs'},

    // Add `local` third-party libraries to be injected/bundled.
    this.APP_ASSETS = [
      // {src: `${this.APP_SRC}/your-path-to-lib/libs/jquery-ui.js`, inject: true, vendor: false}
      // {src: `${this.CSS_SRC}/path-to-lib/test-lib.css`, inject: true, vendor: false},

    // Add packages (e.g. ng2-translate)
    // ng2-translate is already added with the advanced seed - here for example only
    let additionalPackages: ExtendPackages[] = [
        name: 'electron',
        path: `${this.APP_BASE}node_modules/electron/index.js`
        name: 'gojs',
        path: `${this.APP_BASE}node_modules/gojs/release/go.js`
        name: 'glob',
        path: 'node_modules/glob/glob.js'



    /* Add to or override NPM module configurations: */
    // this.mergeObject(this.PLUGIN_CONFIGS['browser-sync'], { ghostMode: false });

    // if (this.TARGET_DESKTOP) { = {
      fs: '@node/fs',
      path: '@node/path'
    // }

As you can see I'm already using fs and path from Node and electron. Is this necessary in my project.config.ts?

I'm on Windows 10 x64, NodeJS 7.7.3, NPM 4.4.1.

Angular Seed Version: efb2fce

Kaffiend commented 7 years ago

see here. As long as you declare glob in additional packages it should copy the lib to the dev dest when the libs task runs. is the directory not there or is it not getting injected with the correct path?

mikezoss commented 7 years ago

Dear @Kaffiend, thanks for the answer. The task is copying fine the files in node_modules, but then glob requires other dependencies...

This is the first error in electron:

zone.js?1489683224378:1645 GET file:///C:/Users/project/dist/dev/node_modules/fs.realpath.js net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUNDscheduleTask @ zone.js?1489683224378:1645ZoneDelegate.scheduleTask @ zone.js?1489683224378:255Zone.scheduleMacroTask @ zone.js?1489683224378:168(anonymous function) @ zone.js?1489683224378:1669send @ VM105:3fetchTextFromURL @ system.src.js?1489683224374:1051(anonymous function) @ system.src.js?1489683224374:1778ZoneAwarePromise @ zone.js?1489683224378:536(anonymous function) @ system.src.js?1489683224374:1777(anonymous function) @ system.src.js?1489683224374:2802(anonymous function) @ system.src.js?1489683224374:3380(anonymous function) @ system.src.js?1489683224374:3694(anonymous function) @ system.src.js?1489683224374:4086(anonymous function) @ system.src.js?1489683224374:4549(anonymous function) @ system.src.js?1489683224374:4819(anonymous function) @ system.src.js?1489683224374:407ZoneDelegate.invoke @ zone.js? @ zone.js?1489683224378:113(anonymous function) @ zone.js?1489683224378:520ZoneDelegate.invokeTask @ zone.js?1489683224378:275Zone.runTask @ zone.js?1489683224378:151drainMicroTaskQueue @ zone.js?1489683224378:418
index.html:55 (SystemJS) XHR error loading file:///C:/Users/project/dist/dev/node_modules/fs.realpath.js
    Error: XHR error loading file:///C:/Users/project/dist/dev/node_modules/fs.realpath.js
        at new Error (native)
        at Zone.runTask (file:///C:/Users/project/dist/dev/node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js?1489683224378:151:47) [<root> => <root>]
        at XMLHttpRequest.ZoneTask.invoke (file:///C:/Users/project/dist/dev/node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js?1489683224378:345:33) [<root>]
    Error loading file:///C:/Users/project/dist/dev/node_modules/fs.realpath.js as "fs.realpath" from file:///C:/Users/project/dist/dev/node_modules/glob/glob.js Not expecting this error? Report it at

So now I tried to inject fs.realpath like this in project.config.ts:

      let additionalPackages: ExtendPackages[] = [
        name: 'electron',
        path: `${this.APP_BASE}node_modules/electron/index.js`
        name: 'gojs',
        path: `${this.APP_BASE}node_modules/gojs/release/go.js`
        name: 'glob',
        path: `${this.APP_BASE}node_modules/glob/glob.js`
        name: 'fs.realpath',
        path: `node_modules/fs.realpath/index.js`


And also if I load all the dependencies it doesn't work!!! Other errors! Like this:

util.inherits is not a function

Can we write a definitive HOW TO?!?

Kaffiend commented 7 years ago

seems like its an injection issue at first glance. try giving it a full package meta.

        name: 'fs.reapath',
        packageMeta: {
          main: 'index.js',
          defaultExtension: 'js'
mikezoss commented 7 years ago

It's the same. Now it's searching:


I'm importing it in my home.component.ts like this:

import * as glob from 'glob/glob';

is it correct??

and then I call console.log(glob) in ngOnInit().


Kaffiend commented 7 years ago

i think you will have to have all the dependencies as well, and make sure they are registered with systemjs.

thomascayne commented 7 years ago

@NathanWalker Same thing here not with glob.js but with custom non-NPM JavaScript libraries. The build copies NPM packages as well as all the .png, .jpg and *.css files but not regular .js files (the copied folders are empty. The folders are being copied.

I'm losing my hair 4 days now for hours upon hours each day. #59, #136 and #258. Following #97 is giving me "module not found.

For example, I'm adding

this.APP_ASSETS = [
      {src: `${this.APP_BASE}/libs/Ribbon.js`, inject: 'libs'}

produced nothing. Can anyone help? Thanks

Kaffiend commented 7 years ago

@vanchisel add your dependency here, and it will atleast work around the issue you're having.

thomascayne commented 7 years ago

@Kaffiend Thank you for your suggestion. I put the path of the *.js files. Nothing happened; Not even errors. It seems to be looking for package.json file based on:

export = () => {
  let src = [
    'node_modules/rxjs/**/*' //<-- looking for node modules
. . .
  additionalPkgs.forEach((**pkg**) => {
   if (typeof(****) !== 'undefined') {
      src.push(`node_modules/${****}/**/*`); //<-- looking for package.json
    } // . . .
Kaffiend commented 7 years ago

@vanchisel You will have to use the imported config to path out your dependency

thomascayne commented 7 years ago

@Kaffiend It took a while to figure it out. The following works better:

rybaczewa commented 6 years ago

Is there a way for desktop packages to be included together with their dependencies? Passing every single dependency to DESKTOP_PACKAGES is impossible with bigger packages and all of their dependencies.