NathanWalker / angular-seed-advanced

Advanced Angular seed project with support for ngrx/store, ngrx/effects, ngx-translate, angulartics2, lodash, NativeScript (*native* mobile), Electron (Mac, Windows and Linux desktop) and more.
MIT License
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Angular Seed as the engine for an app builder (WYSIWYG app creator) #472

Open jotamorais opened 6 years ago

jotamorais commented 6 years ago

I'm submitting a ... (check one with "x")

[ ] bug report => search github for a similar issue or PR before submitting
[x] feature request
[ ] support request => Please do not submit support request here, instead see use [gitter]( or [stackoverflow](

Current behavior

This seed is awesome but for newcomers or people that don't grasp all of the tools and inner works, it can be a bit time consuming to download the seed, install all the dependencies, customize themes, create new modules, components, routes and everything else. Moreover, it still demands developers with skills in different areas if you want to target all the platforms (you need to know JS, NativeScript, Angular 4, NodeJS at minimum).

Expected behavior

I would like to suggest a new milestone for the Angular Seed Advanced (to use it as the engine for a WYSIWYG application builder).

The idea is to build something like Ionic Creator (more info here) using this project as the engine - we would create and include in this project, a web app where the user could seed/create the application using the UI, through nice wizard flows, selecting the targeted platforms (it could be single or multiple targets like web, mobile, and desktop), create modules, components, drag and drop HTML components NativeScript UI components, bind it with external data feed, etc). It's a rough introduction and I can elaborate more on that in a document or call.

Minimal reproduction of the problem with instructions


What is the motivation/use case for changing the behavior?

From StartUps, SMB or even for Enterprise, everyone is trying to build client apps quicker and better, targeting all the platforms and at the same time, reduce costs with specialized resource teams (this is the original aim of this project - remove the need for special skills in mobile platforms, or desktop or web). An application builder where user can tweak theme of the UI components, use pre-existent UI components, create their own components, module or whatever all on the web, would make the original goal of this project even more feasible - would make it possible to develop faster, iterate quickly in the feedback loop and publish faster to final user in any platform.

In today's world, TTM (time-to-market) is everything - it can make you the "winner horse" or the regular competitor :rofl:

Please tell us about your environment:


megetron commented 6 years ago

According to my understanding this project is been neglected for the past months, @NathanWalker recommended on this:

psmontte commented 6 years ago

The project is dead. Wasted too much time troubleshooting every time a new build comes, So many things stop working. Even TeamMaestro Seed is not being regularly updated.