NathanWolf / BukkitPlugins

My plugins for the Bukkit Minecraft server
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Implement Permissions config file import #20

Closed NathanWolf closed 13 years ago

NathanWolf commented 13 years ago

I'm not sure I can dig around in Permissions directly, and importing the config YML file is a more flexible approach, anyway.

I would import and merge in groups, players, player->group assignments, and permission assignments.

I would not import permission nodes themselves- I would bind to the ones already present in Classes.

Arisilde commented 13 years ago


NathanWolf commented 13 years ago

I thought you'd like that :)

Arisilde commented 13 years ago

I hope you realize I really wasn't trying to be rude, just trying to have a discussion. Perhaps it didn't make the translation so well via text :P

NathanWolf commented 13 years ago

It's not a problem, the internet is like that.

Fortunately, I think I can get you what you need and want :)

Arisilde commented 13 years ago

Good to hear :)

NathanWolf commented 13 years ago


Persistence has minimal Permissions support, that's all I'll be doing until Bukkit permissions is here.