NathanWolf / BukkitPlugins

My plugins for the Bukkit Minecraft server
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Shielding #42

Closed BradPhusion closed 13 years ago

BradPhusion commented 13 years ago

Normal Cast; Directional Glass shield, lasts 60 seconds, but can be destroyed. Shift Cast / Stealth Cast; Full Glass shield, lasts 30 and unable to move (Or you can move with the shield, like the magic carpet. Either one would be cool :P)

NathanWolf commented 13 years ago

Cool- I like it!

I love the idea of being able to have a directional versus "dome" type full shield.

I love having it aimable - if I can catch the player look event, this could be really awesome.

Timing would be controlled with parameters, so in that regard you can tweak that, or set up as many different variants as you like (90-second dome, 5-second shield)

Nother fun option to see i could do would be to reflect projectiles back.... oooh, that'd be sweet.

I wish there was something "cooler" than glass I could use (and less fragile- glass is not really going to make the best shield... :D)

If only portal blocks could be angled and stuff... man, that'd be so great.

Though, if you were using NetherGate, that would have the ramification that your sheild is also a nether portal :)

Thanks for the great suggestion!

NathanWolf commented 13 years ago

Oh, BTW, if it wasn't clear- I changed my mind about this not being a duration spell- I think you're right, it should be.

Both versions would move with you (optionally- you could set up a variant that doesn't), and hopefully I can get the "shield" version to be aimable :)

I got to thinking about Halo 3, and I really like the idea of that stationary dome shield :)

BradPhusion commented 13 years ago

Haha, well, thanks for considering my idea. If I come up with anything else, I'll let you know. I didn't expect you to have such a positive reaction though, but thanks. ^^

But yeah, halo 3 was kinda where I got the idea from. But to have a moving dome shield MIGHT be a little over powered. The reason I said glass was because, for starters, it is transparent. And secondly, if you were getting attacked by another player, you don't want it too OPed so that they can't break through.

Ooo, actually, I have another idea, but I don't know if it is possible. Is there anyway to do things via steps? for example, A shield isn't instantly there, but builds it's way up from the ground? That would look pretty sweet. Or one like that, but dirt, where it looks like it's raising from the ground to protect the caster, forming a dome around you in like 2/3 seconds. I guess, like a casting time / duration?

NathanWolf commented 13 years ago

I'd love to start doing animation stuff like this- I know someone (Raphrk, maybe?) plans to do something like this for a portal-type plugin.

"cushion" is basically a prototype for this- but water was a poor choice because it spreads on it's own. There is basically block animation going on in that spell, though.

This will also work much better once I start using BukkitScheduler.

BradPhusion commented 13 years ago

Haha, awesome. Well, good luck with that man :) If I think of anything else, i'll comment here.