NathanWolf / BukkitPlugins

My plugins for the Bukkit Minecraft server
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Better NetherGate Portal Tracking #59

Open sunkid opened 13 years ago

sunkid commented 13 years ago

After I updated to 0.45 NG now does create gates in the nether with the 450 build of craftbukkit. However, when using that gate, the corresponding entrance gate is not used, but another is created at the top-most elevation above the entrance gate. In other words, when I enter the nether with a gate created inside a cave or structure and then exit the nether through the gate created by NG, a new gate is created in the normal world, but on top of the cave or structure.

EDIT: just tested this and found that NG created gates also appear when building on the top layer. They can be lit, but not used. The test I did created a new gate at a right angle from the gate used to enter the nether.

SECOND EDIT: Just read the thread on and saw you know already. Keeping this open just so I know when it's fixed :)

NathanWolf commented 13 years ago

Thanks! I should be tracking things like this in issues, really :)

I've been very lazy about nethergate....

sunkid commented 13 years ago

It's a great plugin!!! My players and I love it!

NathanWolf commented 13 years ago

Cool! Nice "avatar" btw =D