NathanaelA / nativescript-permissions

Wraps up the entire Android 6 permissions system in a easy to use plugin.
MIT License
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[iOS] Permissions Merge #12

Closed roblav96 closed 2 years ago

roblav96 commented 8 years ago

I've been working on a port of to nativescript.

Here's the iOS implementation:


import * as platform from 'platform'
import {openUrl} from 'utils/utils'
import {find, isString, isFinite} from 'lodash'
declare var ABAddressBookGetAuthorizationStatus: any
declare var ABAuthorizationStatus: any
declare var ABAddressBookRequestAccessWithCompletion: any
declare var ABAddressBookCreateWithOptions: any
declare var UIApplicationOpenSettingsURLString: any
declare var CLLocationManager: any
declare var CLAuthorizationStatus: any
declare var NSObject: any
declare var CLLocationManagerDelegate: any
declare var locationManagerDidUpdateToLocationFromLocation: any
declare var UIImagePickerController: any
declare var UIImagePickerControllerSourceType: any
declare var UIImagePickerControllerCameraDevice: any
declare var PHAuthorizationStatus: any
declare var AVAuthorizationStatus: any
declare var AVCaptureDevice: any
declare var AVMediaTypeVideo: any
declare var PHPhotoLibrary: any
declare var UIApplication: any
declare var UIUserNotificationSettings: any
declare var UIUserNotificationType: any
declare var UIBackgroundRefreshStatus: any
declare var AVAudioSession: any
declare var AVAudioSessionRecordPermission: any
declare var EKAuthorizationStatus: any
declare var EKEventStore: any
declare var EKEntityTypeEvent: any

class LocationListener extends NSObject implements CLLocationManagerDelegate {

    public static ObjCProtocols = [CLLocationManagerDelegate]
    private _resolves: any // something weird is going on here that i cant initialize this with an empty array []
    private _didSetup: boolean

    private locationManagerDidChangeAuthorizationStatus(manager: any, status: number): void {
        if (!this._didSetup) { // returns status immedietely after new LocationListener()
            this._didSetup = true
        let i, len = this._resolves.length
        for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {

    public setupPromise(resolve: () => void): void {
        if (this._resolves == undefined) {
            this._resolves = []


class Permissions2 {

    public status: any = {}
    private addressBook: any = ABAddressBookCreateWithOptions(null, null)
    private osVersion: number = parseFloat(platform.device.osVersion) // parses the first decimal place
    private _eventStore: any = null
    private _locationListener: any = null
    private _locationManager: any = null

    constructor() {

        this.mapStatus('BackgroundRefresh', UIBackgroundRefreshStatus)
        this.mapStatus('Contacts', ABAuthorizationStatus)
        this.mapStatus('Camera', AVAuthorizationStatus)
        this.mapStatus('Pictures', PHAuthorizationStatus)
        this.mapStatus('Location', CLAuthorizationStatus)
        this.mapStatus('Microphone', AVAudioSessionRecordPermission)
        this.mapStatus('Calendar', EKAuthorizationStatus)
        // global.tnsconsole.dump('this.status', this.status)


    =            HELPERS            =

    private mapStatus(key: string, obj: any): any {
        this.status[key] = {}
        let statuses = ['NotDetermined', 'Restricted', 'Denied', 'Authorized', 'Available', 'AuthorizedAlways', 'AuthorizedWhenInUse', 'Undetermined', 'Granted']
        let i, len = statuses.length
        for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            let index = find(obj, function(vv, ii) {
                if (isString(ii) && ii.indexOf(statuses[i]) != -1) {
                    return true
            if (isFinite(index)) {
                this.status[key][statuses[i]] = obj[obj[index]]
                this.status[key][obj[obj[index]]] = statuses[i]

    =            UTILITIES            =

    public switchToSettings(): void {

    =            LOCATION            =

    public isLocationEnabled(): boolean {
        return CLLocationManager.locationServicesEnabled()

    public getLocationAuthorizationStatus(): number {
        return CLLocationManager.authorizationStatus()

    public isLocationAuthorized(): boolean {
        let status: number = this.getLocationAuthorizationStatus()
        return (
            status == this.status['Location']['AuthorizedAlways']
            status == this.status['Location']['AuthorizedWhenInUse']

    public isLocationAvailable(): boolean {
        return this.isLocationEnabled() && this.isLocationAuthorized()

    public requestLocationAuthorization(type: string = 'WhenInUse'): Promise<any> {
        let status: number = this.getLocationAuthorizationStatus()
        if (status != this.status['Location']['NotDetermined']) {
            return Promise.resolve(status)

        if (this._locationListener == null) {
            this._locationListener = new LocationListener()
        if (this._locationManager == null) {
            this._locationManager = new CLLocationManager()
            this._locationManager.delegate = this._locationListener

        if (type == 'WhenInUse') {
        } else {

        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

    =            CAMERA            =

    public isCameraPresent(): boolean {
        return UIImagePickerController.isSourceTypeAvailable(UIImagePickerControllerSourceType['UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera'])

    public isFrontCameraPresent(): boolean {
        return UIImagePickerController.isCameraDeviceAvailable(UIImagePickerControllerCameraDevice['UIImagePickerControllerCameraDeviceFront'])

    public isRearCameraPresent(): boolean {
        return UIImagePickerController.isCameraDeviceAvailable(UIImagePickerControllerCameraDevice['UIImagePickerControllerCameraDeviceRear'])

    public getCameraAuthorizationStatus(): number {
        return AVCaptureDevice.authorizationStatusForMediaType(AVMediaTypeVideo)

    public isCameraAuthorized(): boolean {
        return this.getCameraAuthorizationStatus() == this.status['Camera']['Authorized']

    public isCameraAvailable(): boolean {
        return this.isCameraPresent() && this.isCameraAuthorized()

    public requestCameraAuthorization(): Promise<any> {
        return new Promise(function(resolve) {
            AVCaptureDevice.requestAccessForMediaTypeCompletionHandler(AVMediaTypeVideo, resolve)

    =            PICTURES            =

    public getPicturesAuthorizationStatus(): number {
        return PHPhotoLibrary.authorizationStatus()

    public isPicturesAuthorized(): boolean {
        return this.getPicturesAuthorizationStatus() == this.status['Pictures']['Authorized']

    public requestPicturesAuthorization(): Promise<any> {
        return new Promise((resolve) => {
            PHPhotoLibrary.requestAuthorization((status) => {
                return resolve(status == this.status['Pictures']['Authorized'])

    =            NOTIFICATIONS            =

    public isRemoteNotificationsEnabled(): boolean {
        let sharedApp = UIApplication.sharedApplication()
        // if (sharedApp.respondsToSelector('registerUserNotificationSettings:')) {
        if (this.osVersion >= 8) {
            // iOS8+
            let enabled: boolean = sharedApp.isRegisteredForRemoteNotifications()
            let types: number = sharedApp.currentUserNotificationSettings().types
            return enabled && types != UIUserNotificationType['UIUserNotificationTypeNone']
        } else {
            // iOS7 and below
            let types: number = sharedApp.enabledRemoteNotificationTypes
            return types != UIUserNotificationType['UIUserNotificationTypeNone']

    public isRegisteredForRemoteNotifications(): boolean {
        let sharedApp = UIApplication.sharedApplication()
        if (this.osVersion >= 8) {
            // iOS8+
            return sharedApp.isRegisteredForRemoteNotifications()
        } else {
            // iOS7 and below
            return sharedApp.enabledRemoteNotificationTypes != UIUserNotificationType['UIUserNotificationTypeNone']

    /*=====  THIS NEEDS TESTING  ======*/
    public getRemoteNotificationTypes(): any {
        let enables: any = []
        let sharedApp = UIApplication.sharedApplication()
        if (this.osVersion >= 8) {
            // iOS8+
            let types: number = sharedApp.currentUserNotificationSettings().types
            if (types == UIUserNotificationType['UIUserNotificationTypeNone']) {
            if (types & UIUserNotificationType['UIUserNotificationTypeAlert']) { // bitwise &
            if (types & UIUserNotificationType['UIUserNotificationTypeBadge']) {
            if (types & UIUserNotificationType['UIUserNotificationTypeSound']) {
        } else {
            // iOS7 and below
            let types: number = sharedApp.enabledRemoteNotificationTypes
            if (types == UIUserNotificationType['UIUserNotificationTypeNone']) {
            if (types & UIUserNotificationType['UIUserNotificationTypeAlert']) {
            if (types & UIUserNotificationType['UIUserNotificationTypeBadge']) {
            if (types & UIUserNotificationType['UIUserNotificationTypeSound']) {
        return enables

    =            BACKGROUND REFRESH            =

    public getBackgroundRefreshStatus(): number {
        let sharedApp = UIApplication.sharedApplication()
        return sharedApp.backgroundRefreshStatus

    public isBackgroundRefreshAuthorized(): boolean {
        return this.getBackgroundRefreshStatus() == UIBackgroundRefreshStatus['UIBackgroundRefreshStatusAvailable']

    =            CONTACTS            =

    public getContactsAuthorizationStatus(): number {
        return ABAddressBookGetAuthorizationStatus()

    public isContactsAuthorized(): boolean {
        return this.getContactsAuthorizationStatus() == this.status['Contacts']['Authorized']

    public requestContactsAuthorization(): Promise<any> {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            ABAddressBookRequestAccessWithCompletion(this.addressBook, function(status, error) {
                if (error) {
                    return reject(new Error(error))
                } else {
                    return resolve(status)

    =            MICROPHONE            =

    public getMicrophoneAuthorizationStatus(): number {
        let session = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance()
        return session.recordPermission()

    public isMicrophoneAuthorized(): boolean {
        return this.getMicrophoneAuthorizationStatus() == this.status['Microphone']['Granted']

    public requestMicrophoneAuthorization(): Promise<any> {
        let session = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance()
        return new Promise(function(resolve) {
            session.requestRecordPermission(function(status) {
                return resolve(status)

    =            CALENDAR            =

    public getCalendarAuthorizationStatus(): number {
        return EKEventStore.authorizationStatusForEntityType(EKEntityTypeEvent)

    public isCalendarAuthorized(): boolean {
        return this.getCalendarAuthorizationStatus() == this.status['Calendar']['Authorized']

    public requestCalendarAuthorization(): Promise<any> {
        if (this._eventStore == null) {
            this._eventStore = new EKEventStore()
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            this._eventStore.requestAccessToEntityTypeCompletion(EKEntityTypeEvent, function(status, error) {
                if (error) {
                    return reject(new Error(error))
                } else {
                    return resolve(status)


export default new Permissions2()

I don't know how to get in touch with you or how you'd like this to be implemented with your code.

NathanaelA commented 8 years ago

My email address is nathan @ -- I haven't really looked into permissions on iOS yet; so I have no idea -- is this all the permissions available on iOS?

roblav96 commented 8 years ago

Yes, this is all the permissions for iOS. I'll send you an email.

You can checkout what I have so far here

MuhammadTahir92 commented 6 years ago

@NathanaelA Does ios permissions are added in this plugin ?

NathanaelA commented 6 years ago

Nope, permissions haven't been added at all. I did look at Rob's repo; but I haven't seen a good way to merge the two ideas as the permission system in iOS is completely different.

NathanaelA commented 2 years ago

I finally got around to creating a shared permission branch. The new supports both ios & android permissions.