NathanaelA / nativescript-permissions

Wraps up the entire Android 6 permissions system in a easy to use plugin.
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Cant request 'ANSWER_PHONE_CALLS' #33

Closed alanaasmaa closed 5 years ago

alanaasmaa commented 5 years ago

Does not work with this permission.

I'm very new to Nativescript so i might be wrong.

hasPermission method crashed, and requestPermission does nothing.

Using Android 8.0 on OnePlus 3T

NathanaelA commented 5 years ago

ANSWER_PHONE_CALLS is a Android O and greater API; if your tool chain is set to build for older versions of the API; it is very possible ANSWER_PHONE_CALLS is not actually a valid item and you are then passing undefined into the permissions system.

I would highly recommend you use the real value of what ANSWER_PHONE_CALLS is; so that you make sure you are passing in a permission value...

alanaasmaa commented 5 years ago

@NathanaelA I just need to support android 8.0

I double checked that im using SDK version 26. And i assume nativescript cant build for lover SDK whene there is no available.

I tried with the real valua but i just relised that should the real value be a string ?

Because android.permission or something was undefined also.

Edit: i feel stupid. Of course its string..

NathanaelA commented 5 years ago

Yes, it is a string value; and also frequently it is actually under or Manifest.permissions

alanaasmaa commented 5 years ago

Didnt work.

I will try something else later this day.

permissions.requestPermission('android.permission.ANSWER_PHONE_CALLS', 'For answering and ending phone calls')
            .then(function() {
              console.log(`Woo Hoo, I have the power for ${permissionName}!`);
              const TelecomMgr =  AndroidApp.context.getSystemService(android.content.Context.TELECOM_SERVICE);
            .catch(function() {
              console.log(`Uh oh, no permissions for ${permissionName} - plan B time!`);
NathanaelA commented 5 years ago

The code above you tried and it didn't work? Have you tried setting your minSdkVersion also set to 26? app/app_resources/AndroidManifest.xml -- This might cause issues if it isn't...

alanaasmaa commented 5 years ago

@NathanaelA Yes there is 21 currently.

I'm at Office now so I can't test it after 8 hours.

I actually did try to look for min value but didn't look in this file. I found from build folder some values and they all were 26.

I assume the issue is not with your awesome package. But I keep it open and I will update when I get home.

alanaasmaa commented 5 years ago

@NathanaelA When I'm doing permissions.hasPermission('android.permission.ANSWER_PHONE_CALLS') It returns true. But for some reason with requestPErmission it resolve promise.

Also im not sure if endCall() is undefined because permission or is there some other reason

I took a Moto G6 for testing which also has Android 8. Does not seem to work there either

try {
  const TelecomMgr =  AndroidApp.context.getSystemService(android.content.Context.TELECOM_SERVICE);
} catch (error) {
JS: true
JS: { [Function: isInCall]
JS:   [length]: 0,
JS:   [name]: 'isInCall',
JS:   [arguments]: null,
JS:   [caller]: null,
JS:   [prototype]: { [constructor]: [Circular] } }
JS: [TypeError: TelecomMgr.endCall is not a function]

Im loggin isInCall because it ins same class but does not require ANSWER_PHONE_CALLS permission.

I try to get the permission manually. But i assume the issue is elsrwere.

alanaasmaa commented 5 years ago

I close this issue as it seems i have permission. I tried with native code. So it seems that the issue is elsewhere.

When you came here from google i have asked from slack =>

Also i will update the result here.