NathanaelA / nativescript-updater

Update system for NativeScript Applications
MIT License
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Is this plugin dead? #1

Open andreialecu opened 8 years ago

andreialecu commented 8 years ago

I'm considering migrating a Cordova app to NativeScript, but I need the ability to remotely update it from a server, bypassing Google Play/App Store, since it requires very fast iteration.

This plugin seems like it would help in that regard, however I don't see any source code for it any more and the documentation seems to be lacking as to what would be expected at the given URL.

Are there other alternatives?

NathanaelA commented 8 years ago

Not dead, I just haven't released it. It is currently being tested internally; and I still need to finish a part of the iOS code. Once I like the API it will get finalized and released.

Your best bet for plugins is to checkout

andreialecu commented 8 years ago

I did check there but I didn't see any alternatives. React native has several options:

NathanaelA commented 8 years ago

Sorry, I don't know of any other plugins with this functionality. When I started any of my plugins they were to fill a unique hole that I couldn't find any functionality for.

React Native was introduced before NS and captured a lot more developer mindshare partially based on being related to React Web which has a lot of mindshare and partially because it was FaceBook and partially because at the time it was released it was actually was the best solution. So, at this point the React Native eco system is a lot bigger and has a lot more developer mindshare which means more plugins.

NativeScript wasn't officially released for several more months after React and so it hasn't hit the mass of people that React Native has yet. So the NativeScript plugin eco system is a lot smaller currently. I expect this will change rapidly as the Angular2 crowd will shortly be joining us as the NS<->Ng2 wrapper is getting ready to leave beta shortly. That should bring a lot of developers that are using the Angular2 web framework.

However, I'm a paid contractor that has already released over a dozen different plugins for free in the NS eco system; I only have so much time to do free stuff and this is one of the plugins that I just haven't had time to finish on the iOS side of things yet. It will get done when I need it for iOS or a client pays for it.

If you wish to develop your own plugin to do this; it actually isn't that hard to make plugins on NS, and there are several blog articles on my blog and other blogs that detail how to make NS plugins, in addition I am also willing to help people over their issues with their plugins as they learn how to do it as long as they are making a reasonable attempt to figure it out...