NathanielJS1541 / 100_languages_template

A template for solving the first 100 Project Euler problems using 100 different programming languages!
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challenge_fetcher test: challenge 7 #11

Open NathanielJS1541 opened 5 months ago

NathanielJS1541 commented 5 months ago

Challenge 7 contains LaTeX which is immediately followed by text:

<p>By listing the first six prime numbers: $2, 3, 5, 7, 11$, and $13$, we can see that the $6$th prime is $13$.</p>
<p>What is the $10\,001$st prime number?</p>

This causes issues with the GitHub markdown renderer. The file for challenge 7 would look like this:

# Problem 007: 10001st Prime

By listing the first six prime numbers: $2, 3, 5, 7, 11$, and $13$, we can see that the $6$th prime is $13$.

What is the $10\,001$st prime number?

*For the original page, see [](*

But this has two render issues: image

These issues both seem to be caused by text immediately following the text immediately following the LaTeX expression.

NathanielJS1541 commented 5 months ago

Placing the preceeding text inside \text{} seems to be an acceptable workaround.

The following markdown:

# Problem 007: 10001st Prime

By listing the first six prime numbers: $2, 3, 5, 7, 11$, and $13$, we can see that the $6\text{th}$ prime is $13$.

What is the $10\,001\text{st}$ prime number?

*For the original page, see [](*

Produces the following result:

Problem 007: 10001st Prime

By listing the first six prime numbers: $2, 3, 5, 7, 11$, and $13$, we can see that the $6\text{th}$ prime is $13$.

What is the $10\,001\text{st}$ prime number?

For the original page, see