Natim / Thumbnailer

A service that take an url and returns a thumbnail
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Implement engine that uses docsplit #2

Open benoitbryon opened 12 years ago

benoitbryon commented 12 years ago


Feature: docsplit engine
  In order to get thumbnails of any document docsplit can handle
  As an internaut
  I want to use the Thumbnailer API

  Scenario: generate thumbnail of 
    Given the page <content_url>  is a <mime_type> document
    And the thumbnailer API available at <api_url>
    And a "docsplit" engine is available
    When I access <api_url>/docsplit?url=<content_url>&width=<width>&height=<height>
    Then I get an image which size is <width>x<height>

    | content_url | mime_type | api_url | width | height |
    | http://localhost:8001/document.doc | application/msword | http://localhost:8000/thumbnailer/ | 100 | 50 |
    | http://localhost:8001/document.odt | application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text | http://localhost:8000/thumbnailer/ | 100 | 50 |
benoitbryon commented 12 years ago

Check as a start for implementation.

Natim commented 12 years ago

I started it for PDF.