NationStates / NationStatesPlusPlus

NationStates++ improves & rewrites the look and feel of - providing players with easy to use tools and more data to make decisions.
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Like / Dislike icons clash with existing "heart" icon on Rift themes #24

Open Afforess opened 9 years ago

Afforess commented 9 years ago

Not sure what should be done here. The Like / Dislike icons are out of place next to the existing heart / quote buttons on regional message board posts.

On one hand, Like / Dislike could be deprecated in favor of the new heart button.

On the other hand, the heart button looks hideous and lacks the "dislike" functionality. Another option is to hide the heart icon for users and only show the NS++ Like / Dislike.

Some sort of compromise could also be reached, where the NS++ like / dislike were retained, but the like button used ajax to call the "heart" button request that NS normally uses, and dislike is for NS++ only.