National-COVID-Cohort-Collaborative / Data-Ingestion-and-Harmonization

Data Ingestion and Harmonization
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CMS DQP : PPRL linked Cohort visits and domain count comparison #115

Closed stephanieshong closed 10 months ago

chrisroederucdenver commented 1 year ago

I went to office hours to learn more about the different projects involved and how to access them all. I first thought we'd need to export from the CMS D&R, but see that all of OMOP, restricted to linked patients, is in the same place as the mapping files. Would we now just need a project that access to the first three below as exports?

When first looking, I thought we'd use these, but all of OMOP Is in the same places as the mapping files above.

Leskena2 commented 10 months ago

@chrisroederucdenver Chris - is this one yours? Per my notes from Tuesday, I think we said this is done. Can this ticket be closed now?

chrisroederucdenver commented 10 months ago

Not mine, sorry. I added the comments b/c I was curious, but was shooed away to finish SN. I think it's Bryan's task and I don't think he's on this part of github.... @bryan @brian @laraway @blaraway don't work. @Leskena2 @stephanieshong

Leskena2 commented 10 months ago

@stephanieshong my notes from Tuesday say we can close this ticket. Is that correct? I closed it in JIRA but let me know if you want me to reopen it.

stephanieshong commented 10 months ago

Here is the counts of CMS domains - @bryanlaraway - completed the counts that we can view from the released datasets.

stephanieshong commented 10 months ago

@tannerzhang - could you add the link to the counts you added to the CMS DQP? After you add your links and comments we can close this one.
@Leskena2 - After tanner updates this issue, we will close this issue. Just wanted to make sure that we document what we did first before we close this one.

stephanieshong commented 10 months ago link to summary cards page( domain counts are added along with demographics summary). - link to CMS data quality portal page.

stephanieshong commented 10 months ago

CMS datasets are clipped to the PPRL Linked and CMS linkage opted-in sites. Therefore using the PPRL linkage person mapping table, the final CMS datasets released to the data catalogue are limited to the data that is associated with the N3C and CMS PPRL linked person IDs.